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black friday

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  1. #1
    tsmith53149 started this thread.
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    black friday

    Hey all,

    Wondering if any of you plan on going black friday shopping. I plan on looking around for tools at home depot, etc.

  2. #2
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    sort of yes our black Fridays are the week before and two weeks after Christmas because it big business with everyone getting rid of the old for the new and with it cold cold cold here people love the free pick ups lol peoples Christmas pays for mine its silver and gold for reals lol

  3. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Yep holiday sales are good if it is Black Friday or summer sales for 4th of July or any other are good for stuff being replaced and put at the curb!

  4. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Christmas in July is becoming more of a reality.
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  6. #5
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    I plan on sleeping in. But I have a story to relate about Black Friday. A few years ago my brother and I went together on an auction that had 150+ office chairs. Gleaned through and picked out the best for resell, scrapped the rest. Anyways, BF was coming up and I had the thought of renting chairs to people to sit on for $2 a piece or whatever, then pickup the chairs after the people go in. Dunno how well it would have gone. Probably been more of a headache than anything else.

    That was a treat. 4 trailer loads. Chairs stored at my house. Brothers house. Parents house. On the trailers...

    I think I was in each chair about $1.50. Sold most for $10 to $15.

    Also toying with getting my food truck going and serving hot drinks/food to the crowds. Once people are in line, they aren't going to want to go somewhere. Seems it would do well. Serve one crowd, roll onto the next crowd and so on.

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  8. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I'll braking down what ever scrap I have so happy shopping to all that are going shopping.

  9. #7
    along4theride's Avatar
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    im gonna hopefully be out looking to see what people are getting rid of and upping our inventory.. i just love trash nights up here, people throw away great and new stuff sometimes, cause they have $$

  10. #8
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Definition of shopping; Spending money you don't have on stuff you don't need to impress people you don't like.

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  12. #9
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    I plan on sleeping in. But I have a story to relate about Black Friday. A few years ago my brother and I went together on an auction that had 150+ office chairs. Gleaned through and picked out the best for resell, scrapped the rest. Anyways, BF was coming up and I had the thought of renting chairs to people to sit on for $2 a piece or whatever, then pickup the chairs after the people go in. Dunno how well it would have gone. Probably been more of a headache than anything else.

    That was a treat. 4 trailer loads. Chairs stored at my house. Brothers house. Parents house. On the trailers...

    I think I was in each chair about $1.50. Sold most for $10 to $15.

    Also toying with getting my food truck going and serving hot drinks/food to the crowds. Once people are in line, they aren't going to want to go somewhere. Seems it would do well. Serve one crowd, roll onto the next crowd and so on.
    Thats a great idea! I went to Kmart on Black Friday around 11am well after all the sales hapened, they started on Thursday at 8pm, the parking lot looked like a war zone! People left all there chairs and trash behind once they got what they wanted! I should contact these places and see about removing all the leftover chairs and other large items...
    I kike the food truck idea! Girl scouts were selling hot coco at the walmart to the people in line! Only problem was no bathrooms! These places should rent porta toilets. People were peeing in the bushes LOL
    Last edited by hobo finds; 11-24-2013 at 10:12 AM.

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  14. #10
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by along4theride View Post
    im gonna hopefully be out looking to see what people are getting rid of and upping our inventory.. i just love trash nights up here, people throw away great and new stuff sometimes, cause they have $$
    thats what I plan on doing also. did a black Friday once years ago, never again lol
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  15. #11
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    Black(and Blue) Friday,
    I'll just catch the replays on TV ty ; )

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  17. #12
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    I already have the trailer hooked up for Saturday!!! Bring it on Sheeple
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