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Sold a laptop on ebay

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  1. #1
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Sold a laptop on ebay

    So I sold a laptop on ebay that worked and figured I would get more then scrap value.
    Sold it for like 35 bucks shipped it priority to Miami fl.
    This unit was working and included pics of it working.
    I noted battery might not hold a charge otherwise its working.

    Heard from guy yesterday claiming it wont turn on but yet holds a charge thats all thats working.
    He didn't ask for insurance and I figured well possibly post office did something and so as goodwill gesture I offered a partial refund.

    Didn't like the amount so im thinking screw it so I said send it back and if its shipping fault and not user damaged I would refund in full minus
    shipping it back.
    Then drops the bomb he had it picked up in Miami and freighted somewhere to the Caribbean.
    So im thinking this dude is obviously trying to scam me!
    If this guy has it shipped from Florida to his country and I already stated overseas bidders are responsible for their own countries fees that may be charged.
    Then I cant be liable for what happens from Florida and Caribbeans.

    At this point I dont think im gonna refund at all.

  2. #2
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Ya, you have to learn how to play the game sometimes on eBay. Learning to deal with these people is no different than handling difficult customers in a store or anywhere else. If he cant return the goods, then he gets no refund. I would stick to my guns if you know it was working and have photo documentation, but be prepared to refund if it magically appears. He cant win a case with eBay if he cant produce the equipment and return it to you.

  3. #3
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    Ya, you have to learn how to play the game sometimes on eBay. Learning to deal with these people is no different than handling difficult customers in a store or anywhere else. If he cant return the goods, then he gets no refund. I would stick to my guns if you know it was working and have photo documentation, but be prepared to refund if it magically appears. He cant win a case with eBay if he cant produce the equipment and return it to you.
    The pics I listed in listing shows it turned on and working and im a freak when it comes to using bubble wrap and stuff so I highly doubt it was damaged but thats why I figured its possible so thats why I offered partial refund as I could be wrong.
    He claims it would cost him $25 to ship it back from his country.
    I had no knowledge of it going anywhere else other then miami fl so im not sure whats the point of having someone pick it up and ship it to him versus
    telling me to ship it to the carribeans something aint right.

  4. #4
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAscrapper View Post
    The pics I listed in listing shows it turned on and working and im a freak when it comes to using bubble wrap and stuff so I highly doubt it was damaged but thats why I figured its possible so thats why I offered partial refund as I could be wrong.
    He claims it would cost him $25 to ship it back from his country.
    I had no knowledge of it going anywhere else other then miami fl so im not sure whats the point of having someone pick it up and ship it to him versus
    telling me to ship it to the carribeans something aint right.
    Some foreign buyers skirt the Ships TO USA ONLY by finding a forwarder in USA, registering their USA address with ebay, then giving that as their USA residence address. The "middle-man" there simply forwards it on to their actual NON-USA address
    Last edited by Bear; 12-14-2013 at 09:04 PM.

  5. #5
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Just a little update here.
    I told the buyer after what I know now was not going to refund him anything so he has chosen to open a claim as I suspected he would,
    He now claims water damage. So this went from it wont turn on but charges fine just want some money back and ill set aside to replace screen to now its water damaged lol
    I suppose that is possible since it was on water going from miami to the carribeans without my or ebays knowledge but what he dont understand that little part is out of my hands.
    Last edited by IAscrapper; 12-17-2013 at 07:59 AM.

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  7. #6
    Phantoms001 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Some foreign buyers skirt the Ships TO USA ONLY by finding a forwarder in USA, registering their USA address with ebay, then giving that as their USA residence address. The "middle-man" there simply forwards it on to their actual NON-USA address
    A lot of buyers that use stolen credit cards do it this way also.

  8. #7
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    well, most people...myself included, wont ship outside the US. Too many potential problems and headaches, plus trying to deal with more paperwork. That guy should have tested it once he received it and before he forwarded it. Be as polite as possible in your correspondence and tell him you will be more than happy to refund the amount once the item is received by you. Don't even get into the whole "it was working" bit with him for such a small amount of money. Chances are he wont produce the item and it will just go away. If he gives you bad feedback I think you can appeal it with ebay easily. good luck

  9. #8
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    well, most people...myself included, wont ship outside the US. Too many potential problems and headaches, plus trying to deal with more paperwork. That guy should have tested it once he received it and before he forwarded it. Be as polite as possible in your correspondence and tell him you will be more than happy to refund the amount once the item is received by you. Don't even get into the whole "it was working" bit with him for such a small amount of money. Chances are he wont produce the item and it will just go away. If he gives you bad feedback I think you can appeal it with ebay easily. good luck
    This is actually first I had a problem outside the usa and I actually had no idea it was getting shipped from florida to the carribean according to what ebay said some do that to save on shipping but they agreed with me that from florida to carribeans is out of my hands. He wants a bigger partial refund instead of shipping it back since it would cost him $25 to do so and he knows im not required to refund that.

  10. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    He bought low an sold high, or he's trying to scam ya.

    Just my thoughts. I'm betting on the second myself. I try to see the best in folks, but it sure is hard in cases like this. He should eat the shipping fee if he insists on sending it back. Did you copy down the model and serial #'s so you know your not getting back a broken one? Sure ya did but figured I should ask.

    Good luck tho with it tho IA.

    Sirscrapalot - Cats have a scam going - you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that's the deal. - Eddie Izzard

  11. #10
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    He bought low an sold high, or he's trying to scam ya.

    Just my thoughts. I'm betting on the second myself. I try to see the best in folks, but it sure is hard in cases like this. He should eat the shipping fee if he insists on sending it back. Did you copy down the model and serial #'s so you know your not getting back a broken one? Sure ya did but figured I should ask.

    Good luck tho with it tho IA.

    Sirscrapalot - Cats have a scam going - you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that's the deal. - Eddie Izzard
    You know sir I do too try to see the best in people but unfortunately in this case I smell a rat.
    He wants more money and he knows he has to eat shipping fees and I have make and model so I would know if he try to switch and after talking with ebay I feel better
    now then I did a bit ago. No way am I gonna be taken by some pirate in the Caribbean if I can help it lol

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  13. #11
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    Your return policy should have stated that the buyer has to return the item before getting a refund. Tell them that you will refund their money as soon as it is returned in the same condition.

    Call ebay customer service and "encourage" them to read your messages back and forth.

    Keep communicating with the customer. If he threatens to give you bad feed back if you don't give him a full refund without returning the item the you will be covers. When this happens its called extortion by ebay and any bad feed back can be removed. This has happened to me. Mike
    Last edited by miked; 12-14-2013 at 05:36 PM.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  15. #12
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Your return policy should have stated that the buyer has to return the item before getting a refund. Tell them that you will refund their money as soon as it is returned in the same condition.

    Call ebay customer service and "encourage" them to read your messages back and forth.

    Keep communicating with the customer. If he threatens to give you bad feed back if you don't give him a full refund without returning the item the you will be covers. When this happens its called extortion by ebay and any bad feed back can be removed. This has happened to me. Mike
    Thanks mike yep called them. I didnt offer a return on it because I figured I stated clear enough in listing plus it wasnt a big amount so I wasnt gonna worry but I wasnt expecting this so gonna stick with partial refund since he dont wanna ship back and if he dont like it file with ebay but ebay I think will side with me because im only responsible to address listed to ship since he arranged it to be shipped out of country its out of my hands.

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  17. #13
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Also, the advice to keep communicating with the customer is ill advised. Tell him to return it for a refund, then STOP COMMUNICATING. If he emails you again, tell him to return it for a refund. The more you say, the more ammo they have against you.

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  19. #14
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuburnEwaste View Post
    Also, the advice to keep communicating with the customer is ill advised. Tell him to return it for a refund, then STOP COMMUNICATING. If he emails you again, tell him to return it for a refund. The more you say, the more ammo they have against you.
    Yeah thats how I see so I havent talked to him since he refused my partial refund and wont ship back but did call ebay and sounds like im doing all the right things according to ebay. Guess ill wait on what he does and I reported him as what ebay suggested so they have a heads up whats going on here. Ill update as I know more.

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  21. #15
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    This is very simple. Once he had it shipped somewhere else, he voided his buyer protection, period.

  22. #16
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Lord you giys need to learn how to put legal terms in your listings....I offer a NO REFUND policy on anything I sell...itwm is shipped as descr8bed and that is that. I also tell people that once it leaves my hand then the shipper is responsible...if it doesnt get there (this is for internatipnal shipments) by bidding on the item they waive their right to refund from ebay AND wave the right to request a refund from paypal and credit card company...if I get a chargeback I send the copy of the terms and conditions of my listing...end of story.

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  24. #17
    cebuscrapbuyer's Avatar
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    back then I also tried to buy a CD from someone in ebay. and it took 3 months before it reach my address. This may vary to which country you are sending. In Philippines where I'm from, it will took forever to reach. It would just be best to buy things in the nearby store.

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  26. #18
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by cebuscrapbuyer View Post
    back then I also tried to buy a CD from someone in ebay. and it took 3 months before it reach my address. This may vary to which country you are sending. In Philippines where I'm from, it will took forever to reach. It would just be best to buy things in the nearby store.
    With overseas shipping always get an air rate. Ground/economy shipping doesn't go air, it goes ground to the coast and then onto a ship, likely 6 to 8 weeks from there. Then it likely gets a long delay in customs. Using air rates will greatly reduce all these times

  27. #19
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Sold a laptop on ebay

    All you need to do is tell ebay that he had it shipped somewhere else after it arrived at its destination. Hopefully he told you this in your ebay messages so they can see it. Once he had it forwarded he voided his buyer protection, and you will win the case.

  28. #20
    IAscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuburnEwaste View Post
    All you need to do is tell ebay that he had it shipped somewhere else after it arrived at its destination. Hopefully he told you this in your ebay messages so they can see it. Once he had it forwarded he voided his buyer protection, and you will win the case.
    Thats what I told ebay on the phone when I called them after I learned he had this shipped out of the country after giving a address in miami FL.
    Yep its all in ebay messages he had it freighted to his country in the Caribbeans and ebay saw those messages and told me not to worry he voided his protection and went on to explain why some buyers do this which is to save money on shipping.

    He is just trying to scam me into getting something for nothing.
    So now just waiting for him to esculate case as I wont give him anything.

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