Before you use an assumed name you must file it within any state and then you must file with each state you do business in. If you incorporate within the state you operate and are using a ficticious name like: Big joshes
scrap metal, inc. You can have a lawyer file for you, you can use an online service, or file yourself. You cannot use a ficticious name unless it registered. Think of your business filing as like its social security #. It keeps track of your operations that is separate from you as a person. Which also helps eliminate a lot of liability from your personal assets.
If you choose to operate as a sole proprietor you hold personal responsibility for damages, you have to use your full name before your title: Josh smith scrap metal. your social security # acts as your business id#. Each state has different variations I would check out exactly the state you choose to file in and operate in. State filing fees vary greatly I would recommend filing in the state you are operating in for simplification purposes. Illinois (my operating state) is by far the most expensive state. $500 filing fee +filing expenses ie: lawyer, service fees, etc. Indiana is far cheaper at around $70 filing fee + expenses.
Good luck do a lot of research before you take action. %90 of business fails within 2 years.