Such a Nag...
Related tale! We have a town here on the sandbar, by the name of Nags Head. The name was in reference to the lights hung on mules' heads by "wreckers" who would lead ships to be shipwrecked near shore where nefarious individuals could loot the ships of their valuables. - Source Wiki, an the town itself.
There's a reason this area is known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic.
Bonus tale! The name Kill Devil Hills dates back to the Colonial era. Shipwrecks were common at the time, and many of the ships were transporting barrels of rum. When a ship foundered, local wreckers would scavenge what they could of the ship's cargo before it sank, hiding their pilfered rum behind, and sometimes in, the same large sand dunes where the Wright Brothers would later perform glider tests, before flying their first plane from level ground nearby. Since rum was called "Kill Devil" by the English at the time the dunes became known as "Kill Devil Hills." Which is my town. Haha! - source once again, Wiki, an the town it self.
Leave it to me to choose a town, named for rum! We also are where the Wright Brothers flew their plane. We got the Memorial, even tho Kitty Hawk thinks their better.
Sirscrapalot - Wilbuuuurrr. - The famous Mr. Ed.