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    newattitude started this thread.
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    0 degrees, broken back window, 4 garbage backs and a blanket and $10 = fun scrapping


    Alllllll the years I've been driving, never busted a window out. Then came Thursday night. Chucked a ramp into the back of my truck over the side rails (first mistake) with frozen hands and it caught on the wood and hit the bottom corner of the window. That thing shattered. I'm convinced it if weren't 0 degrees it never would have broken.

    Took me an hour to get the rest of the glass out of the framing, sweep the inside of the truck, the back of the truck bed AND the driveway. good thing I could see most of the glass on top the snow. shop vac'ed up a whole shop vac full of glass, snow and gravel and then tape 4 garbage bags to the window. tried cardboard but that was a no go.

    Used a whole roll of packing tape on the inside and outside taping those dang bags over the hole. Real pretty looking! I usually have a board up behind the window in case something hits it but it had fallen down when my son drove it to work and I didn't even notice it wasn't up in place.

    Ok, gotta scrap, I'm an hour behind schedule, its gonna be a little colder in the truck than normal but, what else could go wrong right? And, my face, feet and hands were already flash frozen so i figured inside the truck would be warmer than i already was anyways lol.

    It really wasn't too bad as long as I kept the heater running on high. the tape was holding ok. I didn't feel any drafts and it was toasty!

    Then it started to pull off in spots. d***. forgot the roll of tape at home. 4 streets into the route I had to stop at brothers for duct tape. ok, we should be good to go.

    Get 2 streets past him and turn around in a driveway at a dead end and ............stuck! On a sheet of ice. truck is not moving forward or backwards and cant rock it out even with hubby pushing. d*** again.

    Get my shovel out and start whacking at the 1 inch thick ice sheet. ''Ha!'' the ice said to my shovel. I was using harsher words than ''d***'' at this point. I stuck the board from behind the window under the wheel, nope, it just burned the wood. Good thing a friend lived about 5 houses down, called him with pleas of ''Help!''

    he pulled me out with his PT Cruiser. Here's $10.00, a quick frozen ''thank you!''and a hug.

    night can't get any worse right?

    NOBODY had any garbage out, like 3 percent of the population so that isn't helping my mood. You'd hardly know it was garbage day. WTH? Its 13 degrees warmer than last week and everyone had stuff out! Cant figure the mind set.

    Finish half the township, I have one lamp in my truck, contemplating stopping at dads for beer and get a call from one of my sons, he's headed to the ER (he's ok).

    looked at hubby and said to him, ''Why didn't you just hog tie me to a chair and insist I never leave the dang driveway tonight!

    I should have listened to my instincts but nooooooo.....stubborn me! One lamp and 5 mops was my haul for the night so I've been a little cranky pants since then lol

    Gonna cost me $165.00 Monday to get a new window, nobody could get me in on Friday I was a bit miffed.

    threw a tarp over the truck tonight to keep the snow from pulling the bags off even more since that tape just doesn't want to stick and keep snow from getting inside.

    yeesh, it comes in 3 they say, guess its true!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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