It just occurred to me how many more may be using mostly a phone (handheld device) for internet. I'm thinking there may be more using phones these days. What do you mostly use?
Why?, might be interesting too
It just occurred to me how many more may be using mostly a phone (handheld device) for internet. I'm thinking there may be more using phones these days. What do you mostly use?
Why?, might be interesting too
Last edited by Bear; 02-10-2014 at 11:46 AM.
I don't think my phone can even connect to the internet!
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I use a laptop for the internet and a phone when I'm away from home. But I don't like the phone because entering a message is slow--big fingers and all. And its way harder to look at pictures and the like. I'm always enlarging and scrolling around with the smaller screen.
My boy tells me I should be using my phone more for internet but I notice he doesn't send a heck of a lot of emails...
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Use a phone for Internet?
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
phone/ handheld device (i typed that in there somewhere)
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use the computer for the longer more detailed things but phone for most everyday apps like clist ebay email text skype for seeing things before offering a price and the biggest is using it to research anything I may be breaking down or buying at a auction even got a scanner and card reader so if there buying from me they can use a card or if i am buying from them i can give options like direct load to paypal or bank account. my favorite new option is gift cards I only can do walmart target and bestbuy right now since i am a small fish but i get a 8% discount by doing so. its kinda like the going to the store but about 3-5min longer I swipe the card and it takes the money from a account I have set up which is so you don't scam them by getting now and not paying later. it loads and activates the card with the amount near the next $5inc. so I offer an extra 3% to my sellers for this option and I make the extra since it cost me nothing. credit cards cost me 2.8% flat rate per transaction with no monthly fees and such so it offsets this and still comes out with a little bit more and happy people is the best thing.
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This might be an age related question
I use the Computer for 99% and the phone when I have to
I am the Fat White guy over 55 with fat fingers
All my helpers are in the 21 to 25 range and they are the opposite of me
The younger crowd seems to use the Phone for 99% and the Computer only when they have to
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If my hands big enough to palm a desktop, does that make it handheld? I don't actually own a desktop that works. I've got a smartphone hence my inability to post pictures and thank people
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Because of the stroke and what it did to my reading ability, I can not follow that post at all.
It is getting better for me, but for the time being, I have to skip over long not broken up posts.
"64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981
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my phone still plugs into the wallcells do not work very well in this area and are highly unreliable at best.
There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man
I use my Iphone when I'm out and about, My Ipad mini at the house if I'm just reading or surfing and my laptop for paper work and video editing.
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In case anyone cares, I will not attempt to read for meaning any incomprehensible post. Making them will be a waste of your time. I'm not referring to spelling or minor errors.
I use anything and everything, tower in office, laptop in shop, note book in bedroom & traveling and phone on me or within reach 24/7. I hate the phone for internet, use it when I get text message "look at your e-mail!"). We have communication "stupid", when I was a kid in rural Arkansas, we had one phone. That line was shared with five other families, a "PARTY LINE", this makes me think, Really do I need this?
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A lot of people I know use their phones/tablets the majority of time for internet use. As for me, I would prefer to be at my desktop with two monitors...where productivity is optimal. My cell phone has it's uses, though. If I'm not at the warehouse, I can send/check email, etc.
On a similar note -
I ran across an app the other day for Android that lets your phone tether to your laptop or desktop (or tablet for that matter). This is even if your provider blocks that (or charges extra). Foxfi is the app. I only downloaded the test trial, and it worked on my laptop through a Samsung Galaxy S2. This could replace your internet provider, or just provide internet access while you are mobile. I've found times where I wished I had a laptop and printer in my truck with access to my office network.
They don't here either NH, but it has improved somewhat in the 6 or 7 years since I've moved back. At first I let the cell go due to that, and was stuck using phone and computer both on one(totally outdated/delapidated/shredded/plowed/bulldozed/and brush hogged) land line
We moved back here in the 70s and had an 8 party line, you've got to know your own "ring", then they "upgraded" to a 4 party per line, it was in the 80s before we got single party lines
Nothing like needing to make a call, and some "neighbors" phone, 5 miles away, is off the hook, and all you can hear is their kids running around yelling and such
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Internet - ? Oh yea, that's the thing Al Gore invented when he discovered global warming.
Last edited by Patriot76; 02-11-2014 at 12:01 PM.
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