I'm surprised he's allowed to leave it parked on the street when its snowing, is it legal by you sledge?
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I'm surprised he's allowed to leave it parked on the street when its snowing, is it legal by you sledge?
my dad got in a neighbor war a long time back.
He won by chainsawing a steel drum at 3 am till 4 am everyday for a week as close to their property as possible.
No more loud music revving cars and trucks gunshots and fireworks till 3 am next door lol.
Well since I don't live in a sub-division that is governed by.. say a Home Owners Association (Which I planned it that way) It gives all of us in the neighborhood the freedom to "LIVE" but my thoughts are- treat others as you would like to be treated. I know for certain he would not appreciate me out there gutting a car at 3 in the morning.. I cut it off by 10:00 PM- as any civil person would. Our town does not have any type of "Snow Enforcement" per se. A lot of my neighbors across the street do not have driveways.. they are forced to park on the street. In this neighbors case.. he has a driveway.. but ever since one of his trucks CAUGHT FIRE.. and melted the siding on his house.. he refuses to park it in the driveway. So now- it takes up every inch of space between the end of his driveway and mine- he usually errs on the side of getting it JUST to the end of mine.. while leaving 8-10" of space on his. Can't tell you how many times I have nearly gotten hit trying to get out of my driveway because I can't see past his truck- even some good back and forth looking numerous times has failed me on a couple occasions.
The only benefit I could see is he's trying to play the fuel someway. Maybe he doesn't drive as much as he wants to - or he's purposely using more gas so that he can fill his own cars without noticing if he has a short run. Weird, maybe he is just a dink.
Is it some kind of food truck that has to maintain a constant temperature inside perhaps? curiouser and curiouser, but glad you "won"
As long as it ain't warm!
My usual beer is 6.9% or 6...depends on the mood. ;)
Been trying new brews of late...but I think I'll take that over to the drinking group, so as to spare Sledge here another derailment.
Sirscrapalot - I love everything that's old, - old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine. - Oliver Goldsmith
Sledge, you bring a very strong point. As a council member I do know some pretty good loopholes. As you cannot see and abviously the guy driving by cannot either. If say someone happened to hit your (old rusty car) his insurance would have to pay on both vehicles as he was the obstruction. That would probably get his bosses attention for sure. I know a lot of good tactics for getting people attention that are more funny than anything, and too rediculous to turn in to the cops. If you want some good ones I think we all have some good ones for you to give to the neighbor. Like hot dogs in the gas tank, or tampons. Pull the valve stem covers off, remove the core and put the cap back on. pack the exhaust pipe full of 000 steel wool biscuits! That takes to noise off of even straight piped vehicles.
Note to self...don't make Lunatic mad...;)
Sirscrapalot - You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. - Walt Disney
you are very correct sirscrapalot do not make lunitic mad i know him personally and he can be pretty inventive about ways to make you sorry without getting into trouble himself
Yeah i would have called and told his job about it still.
I'm not that bad, I just don't take crap like that. I battle with a couple of the neighbors all the time. Like they cried about having a cube van, for parts. (eye sore). They raised their beers and were cheering when I loaded it up when I sold it. The next day I drove in a 72 passenger bus. They were pretty pissed. To make it better I parked it on my side of the road in the driveway right outside his picture window! Covered the windows with sheets so he couldn't see in it. The other neighbor was so pissed that some of my things sit outside, so I bought an old pay style can crusher (one that pays you for your cans after you push them in the hole and it crushes them). It is old and rusty, but nowhere in the ordinances does it say you have to have a certain color for a "shed".
This truck only hauls linens- i.e. uniforms, linen napkins etc.
I guess his WIFE contacted mine.. gave her some line of Bullwater about "Well these trucks all freeze.. so up at the station.. they run them all night" My wife conveyed this to me yesterday- my response- "Well then he can leave it up THERE and let it run all night" My Wife thought I was being a douche.. I really don't care- if the job requires him to do his route and go pick up a truck to do it- then so be it- if he doesn't like it- find another job!
I'm looking out for me and mine.. I don't take my work home and cut trim for a client or any other work at all hours of the night- so its his responsibility to do the same.
I didn't think you were that bad Lunatic. lol. I battle my own idiot touron neighbors every summer, do a search, sure you'll find several threads of me ranting. lol.
What Jord said, feeding you some BS. Then park the truck at your station or in YOUR drive way, don't make your neighbors suffer. I agree also if you get hit backing up an he's blocking your view, it's his butt that should be paying both vehicles. You can also suggest they buy friggin block heaters if their really so concerned. Why waste gas all night? Just stupid.
This is why I look forward to winter on my sandbar. The amount of stupidity goes down. Most of the folks who visit down here are good folks, but it just takes a couple to ruin it for you. Hence my separation of touron from a tourist. I love tourists, like them coming an spending money. I dislike tourons tho. Never happy, always *****ing an moaning, an swear the world revolves around them, an I should change my life for them. Not happening. :)
I live here full time, I tolerate a lot, cause hey..I live on a sandbar, people will party. I also believe in common sense an respecting your neighbors. You want to party fine..I just ask you turn down the noise, or go inside as it gets later. An I mean after like midnight/1 am. Not 3, 4 in the morning. It's just courtesy.
Good luck dealing with them Sledge.
Sirscrapalot - Has patience, but also has limits. Push them at your peril. ;)
Sledge yeah they do have them at the station running all night and they re called tractor and trailers which are diesels lol.Yeah i would call his job
Well I have had 3 nights in a row of restful and peaceful sleep now. He still hasn't texted or spoken to me.. guess he needs to send the wife to do his bidding for him! I always love that not only do you not have the spine to get into a conversation with me personally- but to sick your wife onto mine and feed her your SHAT as well? Now I get a whole new battle to contend with.. thanks a-hole!
Sledge, I am not hijacking your thread, just answering the original question. Two 50 ton coal crushers have to be scrapped in a project. Coal dust is explosive. Because of this forum, we will be using carbon dioxide to flood the chambers. The trucks will be running for 24 hrs. to fill them. The only neighbors we will piss off are the raccoons that migrated into the building. Therefore your neighbor might be trying to rid the community of raccoons. By the way thank you for the thread. Love the humor.