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  1. #1
    sledge started this thread.
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    ANY Benefit to idling a GAS engine all night long?

    Ok so my patience has run out. My neighbor drives a Company shall remain nameless.. delivery truck and brings this beast home every night and parks it on the street.
    He has already frosted my arse because he parks this hunk of Shat on the street right at the very end of my driveway- it is a 24 foot truck with a GAS engine (read: not DIESEL)

    Now his latest thing is to let this hunk of shat sit out there and idle ALL FRIGGIN NIGHT LONG! Tonight it is 35 degrees- hardly the -5 with -30 windchills we have been seeing this winter.. and every night.. he pulls up, gets out with it running, locks it and goes inside for the night. We get this continuous low hum in our house ALL NIGHT LONG!

    Am I crazy or does it do him absolutely no good to let a GAS engine idle all night long- besides waste gas, piss off the neighbors.. and allow him to have it nice and toasty warm when he gets back in it 9 hours later?

    Correct me if I'm wrong folks.. but with a GAS engine he is just wasting gas and doing no one.. including planet earth.. any good?!

    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  2. #2
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    Maybe take a picture of it and send to his Company headquarters with an explanation how to save gas. Personally, I can sleep like a baby with a low hum. I love the sound of a clothes dryer or a furnace running. When there's nothing else, I turn on a vent fan in the bathroom to help me sleep. The wife's snoring, on the other hand, is a distraction. I don't snore, myself.

  3. #3
    spinroch's Avatar
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    He is just an idiot
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  5. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Potato's are your friend..unless he's got an exhaust leak.

    Call his company an tell'm he's wasting gas for no reason?

    I'd vote #2...but 1 would be more fun. He'd wake up the next morning thinking he ran out of gas. haha!

    Sirscrapalot - feeling a little evil

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  7. #5
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Id say no benefit... Even if he had a diesel, shut it off and plug in the block heater when you can. There is no benefit to leaving any engine running, other than where you need to leave it for a prolonged period of time and there are no places to plug it in to keep it warm. We plug our tow truck in every cold cold night. Fires up no problem. One night in -40 we forgot to plug it in... she still started. It Wasnt happy about it, but it started lol. Leaving anything running just adds hours and hours of wear on the engine. Say a truck has 300k on it, imagine idle time it has on it as well. Iv heard somewhere the average person spends 24 hrs a year at red lights.

    One exception would be locomotives. They run all the **** time. Actually, some have "smart start" I believe its called, where they shut down and start up on and off. Saves fuel but keeps the engines warm. Lifesaver up in the great white north where they may have to sit on a siding unattended for hours and hours in -40.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

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  9. #6
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well thanks all for validating my thoughts.
    I sent him a text before I made my post... no reply. Truck still running.

    I did take down the "How Am I driving" sticker information and the truck number itself. I try to have good neighbor relations but I've reached my wits end with this. The kick in the sinkers is this: He DOESN'T Have to drive the truck home.. he is just too lazy to get up a bit earlier and go get his truck. Mind you he has had this job for over 4 years.. been bringing his truck home for the same period of time.. only this winter has he left it idling all night.. and like I said- at 35 degrees outside.. now he's just honking me off.

    My trailer sits in the driveway directly next to his bedroom window.. maybe I'll get a "runner" in the near future.. the $20 bucks in gas to let it run all night may get my point across if he fails to do the right thing!

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  11. #7
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    I can see no reason at all for that, unless something in the back needs heating. Idling an engine for extended periods doesn't allow it to oil properly. He might get free gas from the company or something but still, I can't see anybody idling one all night long for a seat warmer

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  13. #8
    etack's Avatar
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    I know in Ohio its a violation to have your car running with the keys in the ignition without being in it. You hear on the news every year around this time of year of peoples cars stolen from in front of there house and the State Police stating that its against the law to do that.

    Warming Up Your Car is Illegal in Ohio | Scene and Heard: Scene's News Blog | Cleveland Scene

    I buy Tantalum Capacitors and offer other services. Check out my thread for more info.

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  15. #9
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    time to get the lawn mower out at midnight and let-er-rip-taterchip.
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  17. #10
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Or a table saw..or a chain saw..I've done both, with noisy tourons.

    Brandon is almost as evil as I am.

    Sirscrapalot - Buy a fog horn!

  18. #11
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    Or cover my fuel and ill drove the dodge down! Ita totally worth it. When I lived with my parents they where able to hear me coming over a mile away. Imagine the noise right next door!

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  20. #12
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    +1 what Etack said. Multiple summonses can be given. Also maybe call the EPA and let them fine him and the company he works for.

    I like the potato idea too. Also a well placed piece of wood in the valve stem of one of the tires would really start his day off sweet. Maybe even a different tire each night.
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  22. #13
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    In Denver "Puffin" is a ticket-able offense...Read: Running car with no one in it, not a new recreational activity available at a smoke shop on the corner.

    Back in the 90's we were building houses in a new subdivision and of coarse people wanted their houses done yesterday. But once they moved in one guy in particular was *****ing about the noise on Saturday' I put one of my POS noisy oil-less air compressors on the property line, opened up the tank and let it run for a couple of hours. Never heard another peep from him.
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  24. #14
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    The problem with the potato or wood in the valve stem goes into property damage, then you have a large corperation to contend with. If some noise of your own doesn't get the point across to him then a call to the cops the next night would be in order. When I was stationed in Germany, living in the dorms, I had some guys that would get off of work around midnight. They wanted to play their "music" loud enough to wake the dead. Went and talked to them multiple times and they said they would turn it down, yeah long enough for me to get back to sleep. Finally resorted to putting some Hank Jr. Country boy can survive in the stereo and cranking it till the bass made the cd skip. I don't know why but I never had to listen to their crap again.

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  26. #15
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    I would just call the company and tell them tomorrow.Also when i seen him i would tell him to shut it off.
    Also a gas engine for a long period of time isn't good on it.But like the older diesel they dont mind to idle.
    I mean i dont get it you start a gas vehicle up and it is up to temp in maybe 10 minutes or so.

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  28. #16
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Scrap the potato an use the a rag. From my understand this is how mechanics check for exhaust leaks, if the car doesn't stop there is a leak. You don't need to leave the potato in there, or the rag over it for very long. I did a google search.

    Jord whatcha doing this summer buddy? Bring the truck down, an I'll get you sweet rate ocean side.

    Sirscrapalot - Plotting for the summer

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  30. #17
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well about an hour after I sent the text.. I heard the sliding door on the truck SLAM (Yep I could hear it in my house) and he shut down the truck. I'll take the win.

    Not trying to get him in a heap of crap with his job.. My thoughts- deal with the person first- if they still want to be a "Richard" THEN I can start playing hardball.

    So no Hummmmmmmmmm in our house last night! Taking the "W"

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  32. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Glad it worked out for ya Sledge. Maybe capt. genius will get the idea.

    Sirscrapalot - Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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  34. #19
    sledge started this thread.
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    Thanks all.. this thread showed me just how twisted and vindictive some of you can be. HA!

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  36. #20
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Scrap the potato an use the a rag. From my understand this is how mechanics check for exhaust leaks, if the car doesn't stop there is a leak. You don't need to leave the potato in there, or the rag over it for very long. I did a google search.

    Jord whatcha doing this summer buddy? Bring the truck down, an I'll get you sweet rate ocean side.

    Sirscrapalot - Plotting for the summer
    After this crazy winter is over with im gonna need a nice vacation! You give me a sweet rate, I'll stock the cooler!

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