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Almost 3 weeks a non smker now. Loving it! - Page 2

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  1. #21
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    When that day comes when you are only going to have one, DON'T just jog to the end of the block and back, every time that urg hits you. I Hope it never does. CONGRATS

    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  3. #22
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Your tobacco flavor that you did not like may be good in a month if it is freshly made. Some freshly made flavors require steeping before they taste good.

    There is a ton of info on the ecig forums. I have been ordering from a company called mt. Baker. My juice that I got was rather nasty. I checked on the forums and found that many juices need to steep for a while.

    I contacted mt baker and they reaffirmed.

    They told me that my irish cream needs to age for a month and my 555 coffee flavor needs to age for 6 weeks.

    Apparently fruity flavors are much better right out of the mail. Anything purchased from a brick and mortar has been already steeping or will have instructions that it needs to be steeped.

    SOOOOOOOOOO much to learn.

    From Mt. Baker, everything comes made to order from scratch. I pick a flavor, then pick the nicotine content I want and then pick the PG/vg ratio. After that it can be tweaked more by adding a flavor shot. The website is very smooth and you can even make your own mix down to the percentages of each flavor.

    One last tip. I already have a pile of gear, most of it being e-go t type gear. You can get a set of 10 atomizers/heads from e-bay for $15 shipped. If you burn one, just throw it away. I have not burned one yet, but the wifey has burned 2 already. These cheap heads also allow me to have them laying around with different flavors in them and I can swap them out at will.

    I currently have at my fingertips, Marlboro, banana, cherry (tastes like a swisher sweet) , cookies and cream, orange and finally clove.

    Yes I have dived head first into this. I actually ended up just ordering a pack of 20 atomizers for these things because the wife keeps burning them and I intend on trying more flavors.

    Puff on, just not the real cigarettes.
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  5. #23
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Congrats parrot!

    I tried quitting once cold turkey about climbed the walls! lol. Seriously though, good for you
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  6. #24
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I bet quitting is a lot easier if your in Co or Wa. ha ha! Everytime the urge a brownie! (well part of one..just saying.)

    I'm going to ask the lady I know who owns her vapor store, if her stuff has been steeped. It's hugely popular.

    Seeing some of those pipes, for the juice..or whatever you all call them. i wonder what a cop thinks the first time he see's someone hitting one. At lest the ones here look an awful lot like a metal pipe for smoking pot. Only difference I saw was the chamber in the middle that holds the "juice". I'm going to have to look closer next time I'm in her store.

    Glad it's working for you an the mrs.

    Sirscrapalot - Riding the rails on the crazy train.

  7. #25
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    OK...soooooooooooooo imma on da train here. One of the older boys gave me a setup the other night. Do not like his choice of flavors.

    Just went to a shop, got edjamacated, a better setup and a few flavors. Kinna likin the clove.

    Soooo I will be 59 in August. Not going to say that I will have this licked in a week. BUTTTTTTT will take all the encouragement from friends, family, and my brothers and sisters here, to have this beat by then! can we make some $$$ on the millions of units, that need to be recycled? ;-)

    PS.. CORYYYYYYYYYYY ifin i got the reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllll munchies at Lamberts....we may end up washing dishes!

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  9. #26
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    Congratulations! I'm still young, and smoked for about 12 or so years, I finally dropped the smoking and I'm trying e-cigs. I don't know if it's any healthier, BUT I do know I'm saving myself $700 a month.

    One thing I do know, though, is the more people tell that you quit, the more they hold you accountable when you pickup another cig. We'll be watching!

    Oh and.. I've been on the e-cig for about 3 months (lovin' it).

  10. #27
    parrothead started this thread.
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    $700 a month? I really hope that is a typo.

    Grats to all those that are doing it as well.

    It is healthier by far. It is relatively new, but there are some studies coming out from countries that have had it longer. Reports are looking good.

  11. #28
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    He's in HI Parrot, likely much higher prices.

    Congrats Brojer, I'll be pulling for ya buddy. I can see it now with you an Cory. Text from Brojer"Sirscrapdappy do0, can't talk now, washing dishes with Cory..munchies..all I need to say!" ha ha!

    The store here, lets you try the flavors, even have a little 'vape' bar. I thought that was pretty cool. I might just have to take her up on her offer to try some. I had a question for you Parrot but...I forgot it. I'll ask it when I remember tho! lol.

    Sirscrapalot - ZZzzZZzzz..*SPLAT* - a fly

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  13. #29
    parrothead started this thread.
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    I found a couple of new flavors this week. Choco-mint is fantastic and apple pie is pretty good too.

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  15. #30
    parrothead started this thread.
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    At $700 a month, I would have quit a long time ago. I was 2 pack plus smoker. The cost was $210 a month. I switched to little cigars that were $8.99 a carton based on legal logistics and the taxes were not there for the cigars. They were pretty much cigarettes. The difference was that the wrappers were made from tobacco and not paper.

    After buying the both of us plenty of units and batteries to keep our nicotine habit in check, our weekly expense is much lower because she was still on $40 carton cigs.

    After getting all of the proper gear, the 2 of us are at about $15 a week for our addiction. That price will come down as I find the best sealers of juice.

  16. #31
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    Funny thing, Parrothead, I've never met you, never had a private conversation with you, but I feel like I know you after all this time of being a member on SMF. And I credit you for making me think about quitting smoking. Two days now, no vaping yet, my wife is ready to kill me, I'm ready to go crazy on the world; but I think I can do it. Never thought a person I've never met would actually be my inspiration to quit a habit I never planned on quitting! Thanks for the inspiration! My Lord, I just want "one more smoke", but I'm gonna fight it as hard as I can.

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  18. #32
    Jillyenator's Avatar
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    You guys are doing great. Keep it up!

  19. #33
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    Nope! Not a typo, ciggs in Hawaii are very expensive.

    Not to mention, every time I went to the gas station to pickup a pack or two I'd also buy all my caffeine beverages, etc. Now I don't have a reason to stop, since I bring my coffee in a thermos.

    Very happy I did though, I'm a lot happier now and I don't spend tons of money on all the junk. I'm 100x more productive at work too, since I'm not stopping to smoke every 15 minutes.

    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    $700 a month? I really hope that is a typo.

    Grats to all those that are doing it as well.

    It is healthier by far. It is relatively new, but there are some studies coming out from countries that have had it longer. Reports are looking good.

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