So sorry to hear of Sasha's passing. Have you heard of "The Rainbow Bridge"? [URL="http://rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm"] Gonna meet up again with a lot of furry friends someday. My cat Montague, born on my birthday, died last year one month short of turning 20. I still see him out of the corner of my eye in his favorite spots around the house, Peace, SirS.
Sorry to hear the sad news, Sir S. My wife and I have three furry kids, a pug and two cats. Yes, they certainly are family members. Our older cat is going on 15. He's still pretty much the same as he was 12 years ago when my wife and I got together. Maybe a bit fatter and lazier, but I wouldn't want him to be any other way :) Our younger one is 1 1/2, our daughter rescued him as a starving, abandoned runt. To see him now, you'd never know it.
Sasha had a good, happy life thanks to you.