As the title says, this post is a goodbye to a furry friend of ours

. Sorry if it shouldn't be on the forum, but I figured it'd help me. So go easy on me mods, I'll remove it if need be, reckon off topic is the best place for it!
So most you all know I'm a dog kind of fella(the facemunchers are ok!) an that I got two facemunchers. One of which is my avatar. What ya probably don't know is we also had four cats. I say had, as the oldest, Sasha just passed away in my wife's arms. I never talked about the cats,cause well their cats an they never do any silly stuff. My wife has had her since she was a kitten, which means it predates me far as being a family member to my wife. Now I sit here an ponder back on the 7 years or so I had with her in my life, an realize I have plenty to share about Sasha. Such as her sneaky habit of breaking into the bedroom at night, an waking up to find her snoozing on my chest or on the pillows between me an the wife. From her snatching the bread as you make a peanut butter sandwich, to chasing you around cause she went psycho an had to be on kitty prozac. Heh. When we first started playing Guitar Hero, she would always swat at my wife when she would try a new song, her way of saying.."Hey do better or I'm gonna cut you!" Ha ha.
I will spare you all the rest of the tales I could tell about her, like putting teh dogs in their places, or being a surrogate mom to the other two cats my wife has brought home since we've been together. I will admit, part of me is being selfish, an just wants to keep those memories to myself. Shameful I know. Some details on Sasha, she was 12 or 13, she was a mackrel tabby cat with white socks. Probably one of the sweetest cats I've ever had the pleasure to live with. Just a great all around cat, an I'm going to miss her. She was a spoiled cat. An I don't regret a moment of it.
Now I'm sure your all like.."WTH Sirscrapalot is this sad over a cat? did he fall off teh cooler?" I sure am that sad. She's been in my life an family since the day I first met my wife. Her and her older sister Dusty(passed last year, so double hard for the wife) had to like me before I could take my wife out for the first time. Needless to say we hit it off just fine.

We don't have kids, maybe in the future but we don't right now, so our pets are like our kids. Those of you shaking your heads an calling me crazy..when you find a pet you bond with, you'll understand. anyhow..this is far longer then I intended, so I'll wrap it up.
In closing I'd like to put a poem I found, maybe some of you will like it, maybe some won't.
Goodbye, by John Quealy
With heavy hearts; and a tear in our eyes
after all these years; we must say goodbye
Please understand; we've done all we could
if there was anything we could do; you know we would
I'm sitting right here; gently rub your ears
while I talk to you softly; trying to hold back the tears
The memories you gave us; we'll never forget
especially the ones; of the day we all met
One last hug; and one last kiss
you have no idea; how much you'll be missed
To look into your eyes; this one last time
you tell me it's ok; you know it's your time
Close your eyes now; and go to sleep
we'll pray to the Lord; you're soul he'll keep
Go in peace now; our good friend
we'll stay right here with you; until the end
Dream of that special day and time
when we'll meet at the Bridge; and all will be fine
We'll run and play; side by side
with a soft warm feeling; deep down inside
Your memory will live on; in each one of us
you'll always be number 1; to all of us
Have a safe journey; through the night
I promise when you awake; you'll be in God's light
So with heavy hearts; and tears in our eyes
just for now my friend; we say goodbye
John Quealy
Good bye Sasha my fuzzy white sock wearing meow meow.(Her nick name cause of the way she meowed.) You'll be missed an some day we'll see you at the bridge, an you'll be able to terrorize the pups an your sisters again. Love ya baby girl.
Not a Sasha, but close enough. An she totally did what the caption says..all the time. I'ma miss the sound of her doing that. Heh.
Sirscrapalot - Sasha stop chasing the dogs! - Me more then once to Sasha.