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  1. #21
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    ...... few weeks while I read/watched every easy post I could. Gathered some good info and have a decent amount sorted.
    So I guess I'm finding flaws all the time, but that's fine because it helps me improve . I think the only failure any of us will ever have is not viewing and correcting our flaws.

    Threads like this help me cause I'm allready thinking of ten other things I need to address , thanks now I'm full on OCD .
    Wow that made me smile to know that my old posted that I did back when I was the very first e-waste buyer on here....people are still finding and reading an learning from it...(unlike others who try to sell this "info"..not saying names....)

    An thats what I wanted, sometimes thinking out your own flaws and be a great help as it lets you look at things backwards, and then seeing others you can relate and just over all make your self better.

    as someone once told me even BAD advice is still good to listen will learn something from it if you think on it.
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  3. #22
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    Easy what are 24 or 25 I think. The scrap industry is littered with failures and flawed personalities. Don't let those flaws define you. I have had my share of failures. Hell I found out I can't work with my dad and it costs me years of not really talking to him. We both made mistakes he should of listened to me and stayed home. I do job finish job move on to next job. He never let that happen. He wanted to be on site all the time. My biggest flaw I am a straight up a$$hole or d&$khead take your pick. If he would of stayed at home **** would have gotten done and done right. He always wanted to half a$$ do scrap jobs. Eventually I walked off quit and started my own business. Lesson learned and now I get along with my dad. Its in the past. We both made mistakes. We both realize that. Another failure was when I first started my own scrap business. I did business with a Canadian. He used to buy industrial equipment and I would remove it. I would send him the check and my expenses and he would wire me back the expense plus my half of the profit. We had done it numerous times before. Well the last time he sent me back the expenses only. Said he made a mistake and would fix it in a few days. Well a few days went by and no money. Called and he didn't pick up. It's been 8 years and I have still haven't seen my profit. I loved working for free it was a blast and all but I still want my money. My failure to have the check put in my name almost put me under before I could even get off the ground. I was young and naive I guess but no one but me is ever gonna handle my money. I lost a great friend to doing this but that's an entire book of a partner who was lazy and didn't wanna work. Wasn't a failure just a business partnership failure. I payed him and moved on. It's just business it happens. Success is only determined by how hard you want to work. Start broke and hopefully end up rich. No one has ever said I wanna stay broke for forever.

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  5. #23
    numbers's Avatar
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    Flaws? Too many to mention.

    Failures? None. However I do have plenty of extremely expensive learning experiences. EXTREMELY expensive. A few memorable ones that my wife will probably never forget.

  6. #24
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbers View Post
    Flaws? Too many to mention.

    Failures? None. However I do have plenty of extremely expensive learning experiences. EXTREMELY expensive. A few memorable ones that my wife will probably never forget.

  7. #25
    Goatrutar's Avatar
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    Flaws: Short, fat and angry. A very,very short fuse with idiots.
    Failures: I should've listened at school.
    High on life. And glue.

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  9. #26
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goatrutar View Post
    Flaws: Short, fat and angry. A very,very short fuse with idiots.
    Failures: I should've listened at school.

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  11. #27
    jw7783's Avatar
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    Flaws: When helping someone sell stuff, trying to tell them their item that they think is worth so much you could barely give it away. Also, I spend ALOT of time on CL and ebay, but I spend more time browsing than I should since I have too many things to list already
    Failures: Not really anything major (knock on wood), I have missed a few voicemails from people on CL and completely forget to call them back til a few weeks later when its already gone.

  12. #28
    beardo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evan View Post
    My biggest flaw is spending to much time thinking about all the things I can do, and not enough time actually doing them.
    that right there sums up my biggest flaw, too much research and obsession and not enough hustle.
    "And if your train's on time, You can get to work by nine, and start your slaving job to get your pay. If you ever get annoyed, Look at me I'm self-employed
    I love to work at nothing all day" -BTO

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