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...... few weeks while I read/watched every easy post I could. Gathered some good info and have a decent amount sorted.
So I guess I'm finding flaws all the time, but that's fine because it helps me improve . I think the only failure any of us will ever have is not viewing and correcting our flaws.
Threads like this help me cause I'm allready thinking of ten other things I need to address , thanks now I'm full on OCD .
Wow that made me smile to know that my old posted that I did back when I was the very first
e-waste buyer on here....people are still finding and reading an learning from it...(unlike others who try to sell this "info"..not saying names....)
An thats what I wanted, sometimes thinking out your own flaws and be a great help as it lets you look at things backwards, and then seeing others you can relate and just over all make your self better.
as someone once told me even BAD advice is still good to listen to...you will learn something from it if you think on it.