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Guns laws and assault weapons?

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  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Guns laws and assault weapons?

    I asked this way back when I was on here all the time...but would like to ask what are some of your view points on the on going issues on gun laws and about "assault" weapons like the ar-15?

    I am a Texan and its pretty simply that I am all about my guns an for those who came out to my shop or..the ones who got to play with some of my firearms that I had (it was outside of the city with a field I could use as a target range lol) but anyway...what is your thought an view point.

    An yea.. I know its 4:50am..I had no sleep once again I'm going to have to ask my doctor about the sleeping issues i'm having.
    Last edited by admin; 05-31-2014 at 05:53 AM. Reason: better title
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  2. #2
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    The standard civilian ar-15 or any other rifle like it is not an assault rifle. It is against the law to own an assault rifle unless you pay serious cash for a stamp, and have a sit down with ATF agents monthly... non-scheduled, your house.

    That being said I fully support responsible gun ownership, Hunting, competitive shooting, and responsible recreational shooting no matter what gun you shoot.
    Gun laws mostly affect responsible gun owners. Not criminals, Not brain damaged (in most cases) children/adults who go on shooting rampages.

    My wife is studying neurological psychology with a huge section on the failure of psychologists to properly identify issues/problems with these gunman. Instead choosing to medicate, when a simple brain scan would have shown in many rampage shooters there was serious damage to the brains and they should have been institutionalized immediately, no amount of meds can fix a broken brain.

    Edit Not bashing just saying in a giant population a few mistakes are made, and a few "crazy's" slip through the cracks so to speak
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 05-31-2014 at 04:46 AM.
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  3. #3
    beardo's Avatar
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    Guns laws and assault weapons?

    The first reaction in America is to ban or punish as a response to any problem. As a community of individuals who make money SOLVING waste issues we often see governments reactions to societies problems that are short sided and not constructive. The key to solving any issue is addressing root problems at the sourse. It dose not matter if you are talking about the war on drugs, guns, Afghanistan or any other issue. Addressing and solving the why is way more important than reacting to the how.

    There is a problem with how we deal, treat and care for individuals with mental health issues in this country. I also seems to be an issue that the entire developed world is trying to figure out. It is not a "weapon" problem.

    Disclosure:I own many firearms. I don't own any "assault" weapons. I own several millitary patterned, custom built semi automatic carbine rifles that at some point may be subject to some sort of legislation.

    I also have a book shelf with tons of research on mental health, specifically PTSD to help me with the issues I see in my friends from the army, some of whom are going to prison Any situation involving a firearm is to often seen as a firearm problem and that is the most troublesome thing.
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  5. #4
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    I was thinking u could own a ar-15 or any other assault weapon as long as it wasn't fully auto.

  6. #5
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbob View Post
    I was thinking u could own a ar-15 or any other assault weapon as long as it wasn't fully auto.
    Well here in Maryland it is perfectly legal to own , as long as it's registered . But , now with a new law in place HERE in my state . Upon death of the registered owner the weapon must be turned in to the authorities , it is not legal to leave it to a child in your will !
    This is insane , I do not own a ar but my co-worker does . He is the type that buys things to talk about them .i told him for what he payed for the ar he could have gotten a lot more bang for his buck. Pun intended.

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  7. #6
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    OPINION: The founders were very clear. Up to and including the war of aggression. even the loosing side were allowed to keep their weapons up to and including cannon if, they owned them to begin with.

    The second amendment is not about hunting or any thing other then protecting us, the citizens and rightful owners and governors of this land against all enemy foreign OR domestic and to protect against a tyrannical government.

    2. factors won the revolution:

    the Kentucky long rifle was accurate up to 200 yards, the Brown Bess of the British was accurate up to 50 yards. i.e. the citizens had the freedom to own the most advanced weapons available.

    The other was the Gorilla tactics ,thanks, to our Native Americans.
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  9. #7
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    OPINION: The founders were very clear. Up to and including the war of aggression. even the loosing side were allowed to keep their weapons up to and including cannon if, they owned them to begin with.

    The second amendment is not about hunting or any thing other then protecting us, the citizens and rightful owners and governors of this land against all enemy foreign OR domestic and to protect against a tyrannical government.

    2. factors won the revolution:

    the Kentucky long rifle was accurate up to 200 yards, the Brown Bess of the British was accurate up to 50 yards. i.e. the citizens had the freedom to own the most advanced weapons available.

    The other was the Gorilla tactics ,thanks, to our Native Americans.
    you nailed it...but i made a blog post on this and got into it somewhere else on the world wide web...but for anyone who wants to read it..

    P.s...I used some pretty strong words in that blog post..but i stand by everyone.

    About me.: Guns are not for hunting...
    Last edited by easyrecycle; 05-31-2014 at 03:47 PM.

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  11. #8
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    I enjoyed reading that easy . Thanks! I agree 1000% !

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  13. #9
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    I enjoyed reading that easy . Thanks! I agree 1000% !
    Yea someone was trying to tell me I was an well he had some words he had used. I was ticked off because our 2ed right is says nothing about hunting but everything about protecting our self, our state and our country. It says we should be able to have and own the same firearms that a standard army group would have...that part of our right has been chipped away...the amount of ammo in clips in some states has been removed and I can go on an on.

    Long story short our country was born in blood and fire when we took it from the Brits and we gave them living hell using fire arms...during the war with the north and south...the north never took the guns from the south was there damm right to own them.

    The day that my firearm is removed from me is the day I go from being a freeman to being a slave and the one who has the guns are now my Masters and this is something that I nor should anyone else should be forced into.

  14. #10
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    Armed people are citizens, unarmed people are peasants.

    Many socialist and fascists regimes practiced gun control or making it outright illegal to own arms, can't argue with history.

    For those who say, take the "assault" rifles I don't own em, once you start down that slope, its a slippery one, won't be long til they find your semi auto shotgun as dangerous as an AR. In many instances, such that kid in California, law enforcement straight up failed and had pre warning but did NOTHING ! Ain't going to even mention names of these very weak people, just like fox news, ain't gona give them the air play they craved.
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  15. #11
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    civilians can own assault rifles(true definition) and Machine guns!!!!

    that's right mg42's, brownings, thompson, AA-12 auto shotgun you name it, you can own it...... If The Price Is Right.... and a few other minor stipulations
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 06-01-2014 at 05:00 AM.

  16. #12
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    The second amendment is American fundamental right period! It's what freedom is all about!

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  18. #13
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    I am just getting sick from seeing people on websites trashing gun owners and calling them nut jobs and every other ****ing thing. I feel that our rights are on the edge of being removed but I can rest easy for the fact that I live in Texas and my state government system as with other states, made it very clear that they will not let the feds take our guns even if they pass laws....

    I don't know if my Texas government would do if that matter was pushed...but I do know what our state said and how the acted with the land dispute at the ranch!

    P.s states that passed laws that remove my rights to own guns...would have me pick up a move in a heart beat... i don't care how deep my roots went there.

  19. #14
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    the founders wrote the first amendment, freedom of speech, then after some thought, wrote the second amendment to protect the first one.

    With out the first amendment there are no others.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 06-02-2014 at 03:57 PM.

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  21. #15
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    the founders wrote the first amendment, freedom of speech, then after some thought, wrote the second amendment to protect the first one.

    With out the first amendment there are no others.
    Very well said!
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  22. #16
    auminer's Avatar
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    There are only four words to this issue: "shall not be infringed".
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