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  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    New company

    I am getting very close to opening the doors to my new company but will make a blog post will more details just before I swing the doors open...but anyway here are some details!

    I'm opening a auto lending company/auto loans where we can give loans all over the USA. One of things that make us better than anyone else, we can give loans on cars that are paid off (or close to it)!! The rates will very from person to person and per the loan but will say we are on the higher side of the market but I will give a loan to someone who has a 0 credit so your credit wont stop me from giving you a loan.

    Anyway still getting everything together an looking at finding better lenders so over time I can offer better and better loans.

    I had this door open for me for a while, was going to start this company using the connections I had made + my own money..but yea ya'll pretty much heard what happened there. But all in all things are moving on this and I the funding I need to open, I just have to get all the paper work filed now!!

    Also on a side note...I think I'm going to start a simply YouTube show to kill time and I like making videos! So keep an eye out for that!

    Anyway...have to get back to getting paper work filled out and filed then...paying bills! yay...not lmao
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
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    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Good luck!!

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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Glad your feeling better , I'm happy for you in your new venture. Best of luck !

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    wscott577's Avatar
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    That's cool.! I like the way you do this.

  8. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Thanked 8,766 Times in 3,844 Posts loans an..title loans? Or am I just misunderstanding that last part about loans on cars paid off.

    An good to see you find something to keep you busy Easy.

    Idle hands can lead to trouble.

    Sirscrapalot - I had a quote but my dog ate it.

  9. #6
    tsmith53149 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    New company

    Ya, I'm with sirscrapalot. I'm a little lost on the part where you give auto loans to people whos cars are paid off.

  10. #7
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    They have a few companies that will advance cash based on your vehicle for collateral . Say you need a expensive repair or cash for some other emergency . Not saying that's the case here . Just what I have noticed in my neck of the woods.

  11. #8
    Swampy's Avatar
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    Best of luck to you with this.

  12. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    They have a few companies that will advance cash based on your vehicle for collateral . Say you need a expensive repair or cash for some other emergency . Not saying that's the case here . Just what I have noticed in my neck of the woods.

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

    Yup, that's a title loan down here by me, and everywhere else I've been. You bring in title, they give you cash, you lapse on the loan, they keep your car.

    I've seen some that are awesome, an some that are run like Payday loan places. Where basically your set up to fail. I know Easy isn't that type of character, so I don't worry he'll be like the Payday loan ones.

    I await to hear more! Stop teasing me!

    Sirscrapalot - Meep. meep. MEEP! - That funny looking science Muppet that can't talk.

  13. #10
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    They have a few companies that will advance cash based on your vehicle for collateral . Say you need a expensive repair or cash for some other emergency . Not saying that's the case here . Just what I have noticed in my neck of the woods.

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

    Yup, that's a title loan down here by me, and everywhere else I've been. You bring in title, they give you cash, you lapse on the loan, they keep your car.

    I've seen some that are awesome, an some that are run like Payday loan places. Where basically your set up to fail. I know Easy isn't that type of character, so I don't worry he'll be like the Payday loan ones.

    I await to hear more! Stop teasing me!

    Sirscrapalot - Meep. meep. MEEP! - That funny looking science Muppet that can't talk.
    I'm still working on it but had a "fun" night last night an still working that out. We are not going to be charging like some of the title loans places work and the way I am setting it up, it will GIVE you good credit. If you own the car and you rebuy your car as if you went to the dealer and pay it off it will show up on your credit report that you paid off a "new" car bring your credit up. I am also working on having a way that I can help people with there credit or partnering up with a credit counseling company so we can help our clients. I don't JUST want to give them a loan and me make a profit..I want them to get the money they need and at the same time help them get better credit so they will have better options.

    Also something else new is that we can give warranties on all of our cars sales (if you want it) so even if you resell your car to your self you can pick that up and its a good value...but will have more info on that and much more.

    Anyway..I have a meeting coming up on this and I am also starting a youtube "show" where I will make clips off and on about what I am doing and building this company and then getting Easy Recycle back up and running =)

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  15. #11
    sawmilleng is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I tip my hat to you!! You strike me as being a human form of the energizer bunny!! Nobodys gonna put you down for long. Not bad business partners, not cops, not anything! Keep your spirits up and you'll go far. Each downer is a learning experience for you but if that particular learning experience is not're then miles ahead of the rest of the world!

    I met a retired fellow who made a good living on doing small loans to small business people who needed money for equipment. For example, a restaurant guy needs a new stove or something that is in the $5K range. Pretty small for the average bank and tough for the small business guy to prove he's a decent risk. So this fellow picked out that market niche and did very well at it. He actually made big loans from a big bank to make the smaller loans!!

    I don't know if that niche is still there or something else has stepped in to fill the need, but it might be something to look at.


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  17. #12
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    what I want to know is how you collect............Do you send in Rocky Balboa to break some thumbs or what???.........LOL just kidding

  18. #13
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    what I want to know is how you collect............Do you send in Rocky Balboa to break some thumbs or what???.........LOL just kidding
    No not your hands...we want you to pay your bills or sign paper work, now your legs on the other hand...well yea..its best to pay up!! lol

  19. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Just hope the cars you loan money on isn't setting on blocks in the backyard.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  20. #15
    collision is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Great to see you..Best of luck

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