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  1. #21
    british's Avatar
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    Maybe i'm old but without drugs and or silly crazes i can get 'stupid' off beer alone..Can't even believe what happens these days.
    Maybe every new-batch of youth sees it in a different light .....But saying that MRS British just got a new tampon ........Vodka brand you never know !!!!!!!!!!Wish me luck!!

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  3. #22
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    Sorry if that sounded Wrong but just a bit of humour

    Quote - A full day at work is better than Half a day out with the undertaker. Fred Dibbner

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  5. #23
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    If I caught my son with a vodka soaked tampon up his a$$ I would light the fuse!!!

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  7. #24
    Hurrikane's Avatar
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    I like to call this "Thinning the Herd"

  8. #25
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Two things came to me when I read this thread. Bob Dylan's song "The times they are a-changin" released in 64 or 65. In a time when youth was shocking their parents and everyone else. Listen to that song and your sure to get a lot of different interpretations (it was supposed too!). One of the obvious interpretations "The generation gap" that existed then, is very similar today. I know the thirteen year old young lady, that's in my house, is not the same little girl she used to be. I remember walking her to school, picking her up after school (didn't want to let her out of my sight). One day she told me "I'm a big girl now", she wanted the freedom to be herself. I can also remember growing up, wanting the same thing. I remember those "The times they are a-changin". My parents taught me good values, to make good choices and be yourself. This means as parents we have to give our children, the ability to make good choices and develop into a young adult. I did some crazy things as a teenager and even more so as a adult. It was my parents that gave me a good "foundation" and at the appropriate age let me "find out for myself". I now know the hardest task in life, is being a parent.

    Now the second thing I thought about in this thread. I was in my early 30's making very good money, living good and not always making good choices. I was dating a girl that was much younger and adventuring then me. It was early morning after a night of drinking, dancing and other recreational substances. We were in bed and out of the blue, She says "let's turkey base some cocaine". That would be a cocaine enama! I did a lot of crazy things, that wasn't one of them. Thank you Mom and Dad.

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  10. #26
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    If I caught my son with a vodka soaked tampon up his a$$ I would light the fuse!!!
    Wait..I thought it was a quote!

    Well I guess it is now, I'm saving it in my smf quote folder!

    An British I just saw your post, it made me laugh if it helps. I'm odd tho so it might not make you feel any better.

    Sirscrapalot - Hobo we should make a quote book. fo shizzle!

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  12. #27
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I'll never be able to enjoy the movie Blow again, thanks a lot Burt!

    An is that where the idea came from to smuggle things..ahh..up there? lol.

    It's a crazy world folks an just getting crazier.

    +1 points to Burt for the Bob Dylan reference. Times are a changing is one of my favorite songs.

    Sirscrapalot - People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent. - Bob Dylan
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 06-26-2014 at 12:33 AM. Reason: I need an editor...anyone for hire?

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  14. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappah View Post
    Compare the way we do things here to the way they do things in other countries. In other places the drinking age is much lower but the kids are taught moderation. It's considered immature to over indulge and act like a fool.
    I'll attest to that. Our daughter at age 15 went to Brazil as an exchange student. There was no age limit to drinking there but yet the teens put no emphasis on it. I guess if it wasn't illegal, it wasn't fun anymore.

  15. #29
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Remember this song is 50 years old, lot of a-changin since then! I thought I would reflect on just one verse from that song. Just for perspective. Come Mothers and Fathers throughout the land
    and don't criticise what you can't understand
    Your Sons and Daughters are beyond your command
    You old road is rapidly agin'.
    Please get out of the new one
    If you can't lend your hand
    For the times they are a-changin

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  17. #30
    CoachDomCosta's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing and increasing awareness! I work with teens and it can get overwhelming the methods and madness to blunt their traumas or just-for-the-hell-of-its! Keep an I on your young ones-take'em scrappin'!

  18. #31
    Goatrutar's Avatar
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    Whatever happened to just drinking alcohol? And why is there a almighty rush to get drunk as quickly as possible? What happened to getting drunk slowly? And do I have to stick a bottle of Bundy up my arse to get drunk now?

    I think we should be told.
    High on life. And glue.

  19. #32
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    Speaking of wee bobby Zimmerman, from the north woods.

    Did anyone see that the original lyrics pages, for " Like A Rolling Stone " recently sold for TWO MILLION DOLLARS ? As well as the words, the two pages had some drawings and cross outs . Damm that is the most money ever paid for any lyrics, of any description.

    I can tell you exactly where I was when I first heard that song.... In Kingston Ontario, in the middle of the night, in the studio at CKWS radio. My buddy Ron Stephens was the "all night jock " and we had just received a box of new stuff from a record store in Buffalo NY that Ron bought 45's from. This was in the spring of 1965, perhaps May or June. We knew, right away, that the station manger would NEVER EVER allow that to be played " on air ". He didn't even like Pat Boone, so skinny Bobby Dylan was a definite no-no.

    The words stand up pretty good, and the back up band are too much...... Anybody here know that the back up band for Dylan, at that time, went on to be THE BAND ? Yes Levon Helm, Rick Danko, Robbie Robertson, And Garth Hudson............who ALSO used to back Ronnnie Hawkins, as The Hawks. Not a bad bunch of guys.

    Hawkins used to say to the guys who backed him...........You won't make much money, but you will get more sex than Frank Sinatra, if you stay with me. Hawkins came up to Canada, from Arkansas, in about 1958, and he never really left. He was recently honoured with a "Order of Canada " medal, for his contributions to the Canadian music industry. After the award ceremony, at the Governor General's official residence in Ottawa, he said... Canada is really the promised land .

    Jim B Toronto.

  20. #33
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Kids can get there high in a number of ways . Look at all he synthetic drugs that were making people eat faces . Bath salts and synthetic "incense" are sold over the counter in head shops and are way more dangerous than their illegal counterparts . You have to watch them and treat them like your playing poker . Read them . I have my first born coming in three weeks , kinda scary being a dad but I welcome the challenge , there is no way the kid can be worse than I was . I drank dirty motor oil at 2 yo . Pooped black for a month my mom jokes all the time about this because she was so scared that I would be hurt .

    I alSo ate Christmas lights off the Xmas tree at that age , destroyed anything I could find usually using my dad's hammers . I put one through a glass end table at 3 yo . I was a handful as a toddler so I have to expect nothing less with my son . I think we all strive to raise our children the same or if not better than we were raised . Here's to all the parents on the forum , we have the best job we could ever ask for .

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  22. #34
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I hear ya Metal but I'd like to point something out in regards to the herbal incense/bath salt face eating incident. Dude's blood came back clean of anything. He was just crazy dude who tried to eat a guy's face. Despite all the hoopla around it. Still bad stuff to be messing with, an the bath salts need to be out right banned all together. The incense will go away as more an more states look to legalization.

    Link to article stating his results came back clean of drugs. Medical Examiner: Causeway Cannibal Not High On Bath Salts « CBS Miami

    Cops are wondering why he did it if not's an idea..HE"S EFFED UP IN THE HEAD! Not everything is drug related...plenty of psycho/crazy killers who never did a drug in their life. It's a way for them to ban the stuff without giving a reason.

    Before anyone tears into me, I don't condone the use of bath salts or the herbal incense/spice stuff. I will say, it's making it easier to make pot legal.

    Sirscrapalot - The more you know.

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  24. #35
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    The prohibition on marijuana really doesn't make any more sense than the prohibition on alcohol did.

    That said: The cops that i've talked with have said that well over 90% of crime is drug or alcohol related.

    Lost my nephew last year. He was a great guy and beloved in the community but he had a drug problem. Things got a little crazy after a night out on the town. An argument broke out .... and .... his girlfriend took his life. Kinda sucks not having him around anymore.

    I've seen an awful lot of that kind of thing over the years. If folks would just go moderately with things there wouldn't be so many problems. <sigh>

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