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All parents be aware of this!!!!!!

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  1. #1
    BRASSCATCHER started this thread.
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    All parents be aware of this!!!!!!

    Maybe I am late to the party on this but being the parent of a 13 yr old daughter I am quickly coming up to speed on things. Today I was informed by my daughter that some kids showed up to a party blind drunk to the point one needed EMS to be called.

    It was discovered that these nuckleheads, girls and boys, soaked some tampons in vodka and inserted them into themselves causing the alcohol to be rapidly absorbed into their bloodstream through soft tissue. The alcohol hits the system so fast that it causes intoxication within minutes to the point of alcohol poisoning if left in for too long.

    Those of you who know me and know what I do for a living know that nothing shocks me anymore as I have seen some of the worse and bizarre things that life has to offer. But this one I am having a problem understanding. If you have kids, especially teens, be aware of what they are being exposed to and know who they are hanging out with.
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  2. #2
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I have never heard of such a crazy thing! wow.
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  3. #3
    billygoat's Avatar
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    This is similar to something I saw on the local news a few months ago so it doesn't really surprise me. What they reported is known as an "alcohol enema." I kid you not. It even has its own page on Wikipedia.

    In case you don't believe me: Alcohol enema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  5. #4
    FLimits's Avatar
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    WT_? Wow. I can't believe someone even thought of this. I'm also amazed to learn that some guys will insert tampons into themselves just so they can get wasted faster. Apparently accounts of this dumb-a$$ trick have been all over the Internet since at least 2011. There's even a variation on it called "butt chugging" -- I'll spare you the details on that one. Unfortunately, the Internet is a powerful resource for sharing not only human wisdom but also human idiocy.

    Edit: I guess I typed too slow -- billygoat slipped in before me and gave away the secret of butt chugging!

  6. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    Brasscatcher, not to discredit your daughter but Snopes lists this as a False urban legend dating back to at least 1999. It lists several reasons that that method is not feasible including that a soaked tampon would be difficult to insert and would be painful.
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  7. #6
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    It seems there is no end to people trying to find new ways to the next and best high…many seeking relief from internal psychological pain. Regardless if this is an urban legend or not, it is always critically important to pay attn., really listen to, what our kids are thinking and talking about. Thanks for the info.

  8. #7
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Seen it with harder stuff, still think it's stupid.
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  9. #8
    BRASSCATCHER started this thread.
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    I confirmed this idiocy with my sister in law who is an ER nurse. She says they see at least one case of alcohol poisoning caused by the method i described about once a month. The poisoning occurs because the devise was sent in too far and cant be removed!!!

  10. #9
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Not sure about using a tampon but butt chugging is real. If someone wants to get high all they have to do is go to a search engine and they can find anything they want. Anything!!!
    Wouldn't surprise me if the DA's tried to get high by stuffing drunk gerbils up their backsides.

  11. #10
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    My wife works in a hospital and they are seeing at least 10 cases of this a week and the scary thing is they are mostly college kids!!

  12. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    The enema thing is real that billy mentioned. I know when I was Tucson I had a buddy talk about it one time, his lady friend was a tad..wild if you will. First I herd of it with a tampon.

    I was thinking, like with this..."WTH ya'll thinking..!"

    When I was young all we did was get some beer an go drink in the woods.

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  13. #12
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    So this stemmed from the vodka eyeballing ?

    A dangerous drinking game called "vodka eyeballing" is attracting public attention on YouTube. People need to be aware that anyone who pours vodka directly into his eye risks damaging the surface epithelial cells–often causing pain and infection. More seriously, "eyeballing" can also lead to permanent vision damage by killing endothelial cells in deeper layers of the eye's cornea. This is unlikely, but possible. The cornea is the clear outer part of the eye that focuses light and provides much of the optical power. Depending on the amount of alcohol and length of time it is in contact with the eye, epithelial cell loss could result in corneal ulcers or scarring, not to mention a great deal of pain. And if endothelial cells die off, vision recovery would be uncertain. "Eyeballers" do not even get a "quick high" as claimed, because the volume of vodka absorbed by the conjunctiva and cornea is too small to have that effect.

    The American Academy of Ophthalmology strongly advises the public not to engage in "vodka eyeballing."

    Media: Spokespeople are available to comment on the study.

    About the American Academy of Ophthalmology
    The American Academy of Ophthalmology is the world's largest association of eye physicians and surgeons—Eye M.D.s—with more than 29,000 members worldwide. Eye health care is provided by the three "O's" – opticians, optometrists and ophthalmologists. It is the ophthalmologist, or Eye M.D., who can treat it all: eye diseases and injuries, and perform eye surgery. To find an Eye M.D. in your area, visit the Academy's Web site at American Academy of Ophthalmology.

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  15. #13
    thebugguy's Avatar
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    Humans are known to be both clever and curious. Further, for whatever peculiar reasons, we have a singular penchant for altering our perceptions/consciousness- whether through religious ceremony, meditation, auto-erotic asphyxiation or downing beers and brats at the local ball park. If anyone thought for a moment that they could eat, drink, snort, smoke, spin, huff, chant, inject, or insert anything that might get them "high", someone somewhere undoubtedly has done it. Stuffing pickled tampons up your wazoo seems a lot more... complicated... than simply doing shots of vodka, but then again "taboo" is a powerful force.

    Personally, I think the best course of action is not to be shocked or dismissive of this behavior in whatever form it takes, but to be informed, forthright, and honest in acknowledging the underlying motives and then calmly, rationally, communicating the very real risks involved as the situation warrants. A short, graphic lecture on toxic shock syndrome would likely put an end to "recreational" tampon use by anyone who heard it. Honestly though, I would be much, much more concerned with the generalized effects of substance abuse, particularly alcohol abuse, in youngsters. There are ways to cop a buzz without the risk of wrapping yourself or anyone else around a tree or being party to sexual violence. "Just saying no" hasn't and will never work- we have to provide sound, realistic guidance as tools for others, particularly the youngsters, to use to make better decisions on their own.

    Anyway, that's my uninvited two cents...


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  17. #14
    carolinaecycle's Avatar
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    whoa... uh... speechless.... 0_o

  18. #15
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    All I can say is ....."wow".....

    From a dumb Canadjan out in the sticks....I'm with SSaL: all we did was go drink some beer out in the woods.

    Not sure if its just me, but a parallel fad that has me wondering is that I see a lot of young kids with tattoos now. Why mess up your body, either by shoving alcohol somewhere unnatural or putting ink under your skin, that can't be removed?

    What's that song, "I'm proud to be an Okie from the Skokie....where white lightning is the biggest thrill of all"....?


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  20. #16
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    +1 interwebz points to Saw for the Merle Haggard..

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  21. #17
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Teenage years are behind us so I can only hope that we taught them well.

    I'm torn when I see stuff like this on the news cuz I want to be educated but at the same time know that the kids are listening too.
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  22. #18
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    When i first read this i thought to myself " Kinda gives a whole new meaning to TSS ".

    I've been through the mill with my two sons and their teen years. They're grown and out on their own now. They seem to be doing okay.

    You know how it is .... people do what they know. No parent is perfect but try to set a good example for them to follow.

    Be honest about the mistakes you made when you were first learning about things. There's some part of them that wants to do better than you did.

    The teen years are hard. Sometimes you feel like you don't have a friend in the world. As a parent be their rock of Gibraltar. When they're at their very worse look em' square in the eye and say " I love you. "

    Compare the way we do things here to the way they do things in other countries. In other places the drinking age is much lower but the kids are taught moderation. It's considered immature to over indulge and act like a fool.

    Encourage them to have a little bit of dignity and respect themselves.

    It's a hard thing cause teens have their own secret lives and you're not included. They're gonna start making their own choices in things whether you like it or not. The harder you try to control them the more they're apt to fight you and do the opposite thing just to spite you.

    Every choice has a consequence. Sometimes the outcome is good and sometimes it's bad. It all depends on how you choose.

    It goes a whole lot easier on everybody if they make good choices all on their own.

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  24. #19
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I'm torn when I see stuff like this on the news cuz I want to be educated but at the same time know that the kids are listening too.

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:][/QUOTE]

    I wouldn't be concerned about what they might hear on the 6:00 news. If the news is talking about it I can almost guarantee the kids already know about it. They learn it from the internet and from other kids. It's up to us to educate ourselves about the latest fads or stupid things kids are doing. I talk to my kids about these things. You should see the looks on their faces when I bring up a certian subject. I get the same question every time. "How did you know about that?" The information is out there. You just have to take the time to search for it. It's just like the Advanced Search box at the top of every SMF page.

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  26. #20
    nuttingbutjunk's Avatar
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    All parents be aware of this!!!!!!

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