True he screwed himself on that side. Heh. I pay taxes I feel what ya'll saying.
An as I said I'm not trying to defend the guy, I don't know him. I'm just pointing out, not everyone who gets help is a bad person.
I said in my post people abuse the help. I don't like those people. Nor should they be helped, but not everyone is that type of person. I'm like the rest of you, I run my own business, I pay my own taxes. I don't like people wasting my taxes or taking my money. An PJ I hear what your saying, perhaps the Government, instead of playing child games in DC should better screen those who get the help. I understand the costs here.
You know what makes me mad? When I go donate my time to the church I mentioned above in helping to hand out the food from teh food truck I see people on Food stamps rocking IPads, I phones, Designer clothes, driving nice cars. They can afford a car payment an cell phone bill but not food? That's when I have issues. No jobs, but their rocking the newest stuff. Boggles the mind.
That's when I get angry like ya'll.
Ya know tho, I can be angry or I can live my life an do what is right in my eyes an heart. I find it's easier to do the second option. Anger, resentment, hate, all lead to bad things health an spirit wise.
Guess I'm just a dreamer.
Whatever it's all good, I'll just leave the judging to another.
Sirscrapalot - Save the labels for another. I'm not a socialist, nor a communist, nor a liberal, nor a conservative. I'm a self thinking free American. I reject your labels, an dance to my own tune, whether it's popular, cool, or not.