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gov. benefits for ohioans

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    wadarbr549 started this thread.
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    gov. benefits for ohioans

    i know this has nothing to do with scrapping.....but it may help anyone of our members out there who is currently down on there luck.....i have a neighbor who has been self employed most of his life...he paid in very little to no now he is facing a lot of problems so many elderly folks do when they are no longer able to work...

    anyhow i told him id look into seeing what type of government assistance he was able to receive,,if any at all....i was amazed at the recent changes made to the laws in the state of ohio....aparantley anyone who has 0 amount of income is automatically eligible for a medical card...

    my wife actually filled out the forms for this man online,,and within 7 days he was awarded a full coverage ohio medicaid insurance card...i read over the packet he received, i was amazed,,this insurance is 100 xs better than any insurance ive ever had through my union hall.....

    after he recieved the insurance my wife got a message on the email account she set up for this gave her a web address and said that he was eligible for more benifits than he was currently after she walked over and got some info from our neighbor, she came back and filled out a few forms for total it took her less than an hour to fill it all out...

    now he gets a free cell phone, it came in the mail from a company called came with 250 free minutes a month.......also he got an ohio food stamp card, he is now getting 200 dollars per month in food stamps.....

    i always knew there was help out there that folks could get, i just never knew it was this easy and fast to not sure if the rules are the same in every state but if anyone out there is down on there luck it is definatley worth looking into........

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    Yes and soon they will buy enough votes that we will reach the point of no return.
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  5. #3
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Also have him (or your wife) check into local food pantries, there may be a couple he can go to each month to help round out the food stamps.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  7. #4
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Well said.

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  9. #5
    pjost's Avatar
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    I think we are already there KZ.
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  11. #6
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    Makes you wonder - Why bother to work hard to get ahead and save for the future? What lesson can we teach our kids? I guess I've just gotten very cynical lately.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  13. #7
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    I understand what you guys are saying about the handouts. Sometimes people DO need an extra hand. Like this guy. I won't defend him, but you know not everyone who gets help is just looking for a free ride.

    Heaven forbid anyone finds themselves in this situation where you need help, an everyone's first thought is your a lazy jack off, just bumming a ride. Makes you wonder why some folks choose to stay homeless an not go get help. Who wants others judging them, when they finally do ASK for help. For all intents an purposes, Wadar felt this man needed the help an went an APPLIED for him. This guy didn't go in feeling entired, I doubt he's trading his food stamps for drugs from what we've been told. That free phone? Those 250 minutes go fast. It's nothing more then a trac fone. He's not getting a free Iphone or IPad here people. He's getting a cheapie 30 dollar if that flip phone. The minutes cost more then the phone! lol. (used trac fone for 15 years, have great phones an cheap phones, oh an I paid for mine. lol. )

    The problem isn't the help folks get, the problem is the people who abused said help. From welfare, to food stamps, to unemployment. The folks who really need it, get lumped in with the ones who scam the system.

    Far as getting cynical there Mick...Come visit the quote thread when you get that feeling, maybe it'll help that.

    An don't get me wrong..I know each an everyone of you would help someone if they asked. An I do understand your beef about the hand outs over the years. An Yes I say years, this President isn't the first, an he won't be the last. He's just the latest.

    Sirscrapalot - Now then you gotta root through the crap to find the gold. this works for people, an ewaste.

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    I didn't want this to get lost in my other post, so..I'm half sorry for the double post.

    To add on to what NA I think it was said about food pantries. He should check with the local churches. I know here on the sandbar one sponsers a food truck once a month to help out county residents who need it. Mostly older folks who don't have a pension or didn't plan retirement, health issues, loss of the income provider, etc. Only requirement is a county ID. Sure there is something similar by him, probably more then one.

    The food pantries by me, only allow 3 visits in a year. They really hook you up tho.

    Sirscrapalot - Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work. - Mother Theresa (Mods: Not a religious quote, just a quote as all my others are, edit if you need but I'll be sad. )

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  17. #9
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    That's all fine and good Sirs, the line that gets me tho:

    "has been self employed most of his life...he paid in very little to no taxes"

    I don't have a problem feeding the poor guy, But as far as the phone goes, $30 + minutes, ain't much... Until you have millions of people doing the same thing.
    Last edited by pjost; 06-29-2014 at 02:27 PM.

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  19. #10
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    True he screwed himself on that side. Heh. I pay taxes I feel what ya'll saying.

    An as I said I'm not trying to defend the guy, I don't know him. I'm just pointing out, not everyone who gets help is a bad person.

    I said in my post people abuse the help. I don't like those people. Nor should they be helped, but not everyone is that type of person. I'm like the rest of you, I run my own business, I pay my own taxes. I don't like people wasting my taxes or taking my money. An PJ I hear what your saying, perhaps the Government, instead of playing child games in DC should better screen those who get the help. I understand the costs here.

    You know what makes me mad? When I go donate my time to the church I mentioned above in helping to hand out the food from teh food truck I see people on Food stamps rocking IPads, I phones, Designer clothes, driving nice cars. They can afford a car payment an cell phone bill but not food? That's when I have issues. No jobs, but their rocking the newest stuff. Boggles the mind.

    That's when I get angry like ya'll.

    Ya know tho, I can be angry or I can live my life an do what is right in my eyes an heart. I find it's easier to do the second option. Anger, resentment, hate, all lead to bad things health an spirit wise.

    Guess I'm just a dreamer. Whatever it's all good, I'll just leave the judging to another.

    Sirscrapalot - Save the labels for another. I'm not a socialist, nor a communist, nor a liberal, nor a conservative. I'm a self thinking free American. I reject your labels, an dance to my own tune, whether it's popular, cool, or not.
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 06-29-2014 at 02:34 PM. Reason: I hit post fast, bad me.

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  21. #11
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Hey, at least the guy worked. Not everyone's job affords them a great retirement income, mine sure won't (as a self employed person myself) since I'm on the lower end of the scrapping scale. Maybe this guys job was the same way.

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  23. #12
    wadarbr549 started this thread.
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    i didnt mean to offend anyone with this post.....the man i mentioned is in his 70s,,,,he does not read or write....he fixes chainsaws and lawnmowers for a living......if this man would have had the education to fill out a tax return every year he would have actually got money back every year.....i asked him a while back why he wasnt drawing social security, and he said he never paid into it....
    i have never been one to promote government help,, but i do think some of it is good and is there for a reason.....

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  25. #13
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I didn't want to necessarily lump him together with the folks that take advantage of these programs... my point is they have made it too easy in many cases to get a free handout, and it is being taken advantage of by people that don't really need it, for years on end. Some people just think they they are entitled to these programs and want to see the folks that are enabling them, stay in office. And once they get sucked in they don't have the motivation or long enough arms to get out of the hole their in.

    As for being self employed and paying taxes...even if you don't have enough of a net income after Schedule C to pay Federal Tax you still have a Self Employment Tax or Social Security Tax to pay based on your Net Profit that will fund your Social Security Benefits when you retire.

    And SSA covered this above...My wife works for the school system and get's frustrated with people claiming they need free preschool or services and are in top notch clothes, driving a Escalade and on the latest version of the I Phone...oh and the kid has $100+ of clothes and shoes on too

    I'm glad Wader was able to help this fellow out but here's a fine line between helping and enabling and I hope the guy can take advantage to get back on track.

    I empathize with people that need help, I will not sympathize with them tough...Sympathy is found in between $hit and syphilis in the dictionary.


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  27. #14
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    FIRST >> Thank You KZ and your wife for helping the gentleman

    I can argue either way
    For or against
    BUT I do have to say the only bumper sticker I have on my truck is
    Socialism >> A Great idea until you run out of other peoples money

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  29. #15
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    FIRST >> Thank You KZ and your wife for helping the gentleman
    No credit due here John...wadarbr549 is the OP.

    And that is one of my favorite stickers.

  30. #16
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wadarbr549 View Post
    i didnt mean to offend anyone with this post.....the man i mentioned is in his 70s,,,,he does not read or write....he fixes chainsaws and lawnmowers for a living......if this man would have had the education to fill out a tax return every year he would have actually got money back every year.....i asked him a while back why he wasnt drawing social security, and he said he never paid into it....
    i have never been one to promote government help,, but i do think some of it is good and is there for a reason.....
    Never paid into SS and never filed a tax return, yet is eligible for all these benefits. sounds like a lot of years working under the table and now you and I are supporting him.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 06-29-2014 at 07:46 PM. Reason: Edited out the politics

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  32. #17
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    No credit due here John...wadarbr549 is the OP.

    And that is one of my favorite stickers.
    Thank You wadarbr549 and your wife for helping the gentleman

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  34. #18
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Help who lives here first I say! Glad he got help

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  36. #19
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Help who lives here first I say! Glad he got help
    Oh Hobo...your right in the thick of it down there.

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  38. #20
    pjost's Avatar
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    OT, but Hobo has the best avatar on this forum IMHO.

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