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  1. #1
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Thanks everyone for the advice, encouragement and letting me know I am not alone. Looks like a lot of you have been through depression and some still working through it each day. I am thinking it's going to be a daily battle for me, but trying to take one day at a time. No quick fixes, but steady and repetitive work each day.

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  3. #2
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    The older you get you realize everyone goes through these times in their lives. Some succumb to negative ways of dealing with depression or the blues or just ****ting times. You are working on it in a more positive way.

    My advise is get up every morning and keep trying if you do you will succeed. Look for little things that are positive and you will find more. Best of luck Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Perspective is reality. If we feel we are down, we will be down. Those that read my perspectives will assume all is great in my life. Far from the truth. I wake up every day glad that I am upright and kicking or waking up on the right side of the grass. Lost everything I owned 12 years ago when my home burned to the ground. The family went different directions four years ago. This forum provided motivation, contacts, and a desire to move on. Standing on your assets and taking one step forward at a time provides momentum. A walk turns into a jog, a jog into a run, and pretty soon you are challenged by a marathon. Be thankful for what you have, use your resources, look forward and not backwards, and be thankful you are better off than 75% of your peers. This perspective will change your reality and eventually your life. Good luck and keep us posted.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 07-16-2014 at 03:41 AM.

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  7. #4
    pjost's Avatar
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    Scrapme, when I said earlier that I've been there too, I meant it. About 10 years ago I went through major depression to the point of being suicidal. Depression is nothing to mess with. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I went to seek professional help. I know I shouldn't be, but there is a stigma attached to seeing a counselor. I'm here to tell you that by the grace of God my perspective, as Patriot mentioned, has totally turned around. Life still has it's ups and downs, but I'm living a good life now, and glad I got the help. Just my experience.
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    I have said it more than once on here, if you have ever been in the hospital thinking (or not knowing at the time) that your gonna die, you just learn to not sweat over the little ****. It just isn't worth it. Life's too short. Pick yourself by your bootstraps and get back to what you want to do.
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  11. #6
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    It means a lot that you guys are willing to share your stories…it takes courage, because there does seem to be somewhat of a stigma with depression. I believe there can be something chemical that happens same as any illness, but that's controversial.

    Each person, I suppose, has to find their own way of coping and hopefully recovering. Just like there are different degrees of things like infections, which may require stronger antibiotics, guess there's also levels of depression, which may need different levels of care.

    I certainly am in thr throes of still being depressed, anxious, etc. But am holding onto the rope up and pulling hard. Trying to do something productive (such as scrapping) each day, even if a small amount.

    Sincerely, thank you for sharing your stories. The testimonials of recovery and of contniuing walking through recovery from depression on a daily basis helps me feel there truly are people who understand. All of you are making a difference in my daily life as I try to pull back up this seemingly bottomless well. I read and reread your posts and feel support. I hope I can contribute (eventually) to the lives of fellow scrappers as well.

    Here's to a new day for all of us and a new chance to pull further up the rope to fresh light!~

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  13. #7
    nuttingbutjunk's Avatar
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    miserably down and hopeless

    scrapme I know what u r going thru ....I'm going thru tha same thing u r .... In the last 2 years I lost my mom and dad plus some close friends ... I had to close my car business
    3 years ago due to health reasons and I made some bad business decisons trying to help other people that turned out bad ... so far I still have a roof over my head and food on the table ... it gets hard when u was used to going every day and things looked so good but it can turn bad in a split second

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  15. #8
    dooker's Avatar
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    Good Luck and get some exercise when you are feeling down (the endorphin rush usually helps me) . Also remember to reflect and appreciate the fact that here in the USA we can live of other peoples trash! YEAH!

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  17. #9
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yeah, exercise does help., adrenaline seems to produce more adrenaline. But it is admittedly hard getting to the adrenaline point. Everything seems to be in painfully slow motion, almost as if dragging a ball and chain around with me and is depleting. But I am daily working on my perspective and taking at least small steps to be productive. Feels silly but giving myself credit even if only accomplish something small each day. Telling myself the small will add up, with time. Trying to get something ready for the scrapyard, even if it's just a bag of insulated wire...clearing space might help too! Seeing pics of some of your workshops, I'm hoping working in somewhat cleaner space can help de-clutter ones' mind as well, at least a bit!? Worth a try!

    Again, thanks to each one of you for the support. By being scrappers none of us have chosen the easiest path for cash, but one where we make our own choices. Thinking about my fellow SMF scrappers who are also daily walking through depression as I take a step out of this with each day. Thankful each of you has chosen to stay with life, your posts have been a help to me~

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  19. #10
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapme View Post
    ...clearing space might help too! Seeing pics of some of your workshops, I'm hoping working in somewhat cleaner space can help de-clutter ones' mind as well, at least a bit!? Worth a try!
    That's a very good point you bring up here...When feeling overwhelmed and not sure how to approach a problem I will pick an area or even just start walking around and start organizing stuff. Soon things are looking better and clarity enters the mind as solutions for the real problem begin to unfold.
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  21. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Feels silly but giving myself credit even if only accomplish something small each day.

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

    It takes many small rain drops to make a flood. - Me, or someone famous who I can't recall.

    Sirscrapalot - See quote thread, as I'm about to put some quotes!

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  23. #12
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    as does it take many brass plug ends to fill a five gallon bucket!

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  25. #13
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    A clean shop stresses me out, means I'm not working hard enough, no mess!

    What KZ said tho is true for me to. If I got a lot on my plate, I pick a pile an go to town.

    Sirscrapalot - Just saw the Butler. I give it two coolers on the sirscrapalot movie rating system.

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  27. #14
    tski72's Avatar
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    Hey Scrapme, Just keep your head up, like others have said. We all have been there and myself is no exception. I spent 12 years working with/for my father-in-law in a small dead ended AC company that he started and didn't allow me to expand into something bigger. Then when he finally retired, he expected me to "take care" of his retirement pay. Well started scrapping electronics and had some really dark days with it at the beginning, that was 3 years ago now, spent many hours reading here, there, and everywhere on the internet about the different laws and regs and classes and everything. I flooded myself with information and then started with all the free advertising I could find. Now I have gotten about 1/8th of the way I would like to travel.

    Point being, I feel your state of mind, just keep at it and be patient, It will grow if you want it to and work at it.
    Cleaning up the e-waste one company at a time

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  29. #15
    street_sweeper's Avatar
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    I heard this lady speak yesterday about climbing Mt Everest. They spent two months on the Mountain in miserable conditions. It was so bad at one point going up she had to take 5-10 breaths for every one step. They climbed at night and wore headlamps only seeing 10 ft in front so that was what they aimed for. They made it to within couple hundred feet of the summit and started running out of O2 and headed down on the way an ice avalanche missed them by ten feet. Her talk was about leadership and team work since she lead the team and one bad decision would cost everyone's life, if one team member didn't do their job everyone suffered.

    After listening to her my advice is take one step at a time make a small goal I'm going to break down X amount today, tomorrow I will set another goal, at end of week I will head to the yard with X amount and get best price ..

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  31. #16
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Thanks for the continued encouragement. Climbing out of depression is continuing to be an ongoing step by step process, or so it seems as of now. Scrapping is something I have pinpointed to try and find some measure of feeling productive. Just trying to recover from depression is work in and of itself!!

    Some of you have posted about having someone do you wrong. While it's nothing new, being treated as if one isn't worthy of honesty, etc. can truly take a toll emotionally. It requires a strong will, maybe a shot of vengeance, to overcome negatives from others. Yes, putting on big boy pants and sucking it up is part of the equation, but these measures take time to reach feelings such as depression. The painful time span between taking steps to and getting to recovery for me is the most difficult. But I am beiieving that each step will in the end make me stronger and be a learning experience, as others have posted.

    Today, caught myself dreaming that I could post that the depression is gone...but truth is not yet. Everyone at SMF, thank you continually for helping me keep perspective and all the support.

    From an old song..."every drop of rain that falls a flower grows". (Sounds good anyway!!)

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