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miserably down and hopeless

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  1. #1
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    miserably down and hopeless

    Cant beleive I'm posting this, but so miserable right now. Hope this is the correct forum, only place I could think for this kind of post. I fear my weakness in feeling so down and depleted is making me look even more like a loser. Somehow this thought is quite crushing!! Oh well maybe things will look better with the morning sun.

    Would possibly help (not solve) if I could secure some sort of a "success." Maybe when I finally manage to get my recycling cashed in I'll have some sense of accomplishment. It's slowwwww going, just me and really limited tools and knowledge. Little space and minumum work time. Not trying to complain, just the perimeters of my situation. But the space, tools, etc just means things take a bit longer, which isnt necessarily negative.

    Trying to talk myself into having some hope, it's hard at the moment. Is anyone else awake out there?

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  3. #2
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    miserably down and hopeless

    Cheer up you have a roof over your head? on the table?....a family or friend(s) that you can turn to? If you have this, you can make it through; provided you have a good work ethic and a positive attitude. You're're breathing man!!!...thank God for that!!!

  4. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Nope but I talk in my sleep, will that do?

    We've all been there Scrapme. I know I Have. I started out similar, not many tools(still don't ha ha!), not a lot of room, etc. You just have to get out there an keep on keeping on buddy. You can see it's worked for many folks on here, whether part time, full time, hobbyist, whatever. Gotta crawl before you walk/run an all that.

    Take a trip to my quote thread, start on page one. Read it all, surely something there will provide some uplifting, smiles, shakes of the head with a mutter of.."Dude, you seriously didn't just quote that...!", inspiration, etc.

    An in case you don't...some quotes for you!

    Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. - Norman Vincent Peale

    Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness. - William E. Gladstone

    We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success. - Elbert Hubbard

    I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. - Dalai Lama

    Sirscrapalot - When life gives you lemonade, add vodka. - Ron White

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  6. #4
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    Hey, don't get down. It takes a while to get everything together, but you can do it.

    You've got a great opportunity there with lots of businesses that will have scrap. Since you're limited on space, you might want to concentrate on higher value items like copper and ewaste. I know you have been researching here on the forum so you can get an idea of what you can sell things for. If you need advice on anything, feel free to call me. I'm usually able to talk during the day when I'm on a tractor.

    Keep your head up and talk to people. I already know you're good at that, so you have a leg up on the competition in networking with people who might provide things to scrap.
    Work hard, network and research and you'll be just fine.

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  8. #5
    scrapme is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Thanks Scrappinlife and Sirscrapalot ,pnutfarmer, for taking the time to respond. I am angry at myself for even feeling the way I am. Really am blessed and know it. Guess the facts aren't reaching my feelings, which are quite overwhelming and exhausting at the moment.

    Just extremely discouraged and without excuse. Not sure if I can pick myself up out of this, very tired and weak from being so emotionally down.
    Every bit of encouragement helps, it is encouraging to hear others stories.

    Thx again for responding!
    Last edited by scrapme; 07-12-2014 at 10:00 PM. Reason: adding a name!

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  10. #6
    pjost's Avatar
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    Sorry, I'm not very good at consoling people who are down, but I can tell you I been there too.
    Just keep your chin up buddy.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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  12. #7

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    The mystery of scrap. Over the years I visited here . Logged in and posted. No reply
    I have been in your shoes multiple times. Just drive on. Work it out. Self pity doesn't pay. It gets better then worse as you grow and encounter new material. Murphys law. I myself pray and keep God as my guide. No greed just progress. Every problem can be solved if worked on . Just one screw at a time until the rhythm gets you rolling. Stay grounded and don't overwhelm self with what ifs. Make I did that come true. Believe in self. God does . Your free will. Matter ! 1♡ 1scrap.
    Last edited by blacksteel; 07-13-2014 at 12:02 AM.

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  14. #8
    spinroch's Avatar
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    One benefit of being down... Everything is looking up! Just take one step at a time & savor the little successes. You will make it!
    F1 Recycles

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  16. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Spin you were already in my quote files, but that one is a for sure keeper.

    No need to feel shame Scrapme. Again a lot of us have been there. We all know moments of doubt. It's how we respond to them that make or break us. You got support here on the forums, whether you know it or not. We're all here for each other when it's needed, so feel no shame. Like a big dysfunctional family..well a good one.

    Good luck to ya buddy, an hang in there, it's always darkest before day breaks.

    Sirscrapalot - If you're doing your best, you won't have any time to worry about failure. - H.Jackson Brown, Jr.

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  18. #10
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    They don't call it rock bottom for nothing...that sh!t hurts and now it's time to claw your way back to the beach. You know where you are and are reaching out so that tells me you have not given up on yourself as much as you think right now.

    The simple things in life can bring the most pleasure, but then again I'm can be entertained by watching cars drive by...suck it all in.

    Sure a lot of tools can help but the caveman approach can make things happen too...hang in there.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  20. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Nothing says Therapeutic like a big ass hammer!

    My main tools still to this day are a hammer, an a chisel. lol.

    Sirscrapalot - Won't you tell me how to get to Sesame Street...

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  22. #12
    1956's Avatar
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    I have been up down and upside down and all around again, the thing that you have to remember is when one door closes another one opens,like a old song says, what a difference a day makes,,,, learn from your mistakes some times falling to the bottom gives you the strength and desire to rise to the top, I know it worked for me, good luck.

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  24. #13
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    I was picked up few years ago. Two years ago I was home less for few days. My now fiance was expecting I had no job. Now I've had more up and downs but the way God has Tallinn these "bad things" I just keep walking. When I was homeless I found a job first day and decided I would just go camping in a set of woods. Now two years later I have my family and I'm scraping hoping to not have another job if I lose my. Remember God is good.

    "Enjoy the bad time, they are opening for for the greatest of things."

    " God can't pick you up till you haven fallen to your own own bottom"

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  26. #14
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    I have never shared, my darkest hours, here on the forum. Maybe the day will come that I will. What is more important than those dark days, is the hope, the change in my life, the small daily success's, I now have. I am not sure where I would be today, if I had not stumbled into SMF, a few years ago. SMF has not only has given me the knowledge I needed to move forward, I have met some wonderful people, who have been a source of encouragement, and some, a source of entertainment.

    In the wee hours of the night, to reach out on a public forum when someone is down, can be a good thing. Not only do many members here have the knowledge to help others move forward in a trade, there are many here, with a lot of wisdom. Both knowledge and wisdom, that has come from success, and loss, joy, and sorrow. Many of us have "lived"... life. Taken risks. Sometimes winning and sometimes losing.

    Having said that, I would encourage you to meet with someone close to you. We in no way can be a supplement for human contact. We all need a mentor at times. That may be a parent, spouse, pastor, close friend, or when needed, a professional. There is no weakness, in reaching out, and asking for help! If my leg is broken, I need to ask someone to help me up. If my spirit is broken, I need to do the same.

    When we feel down, it is in part, because we are focused on the ground. Look up, and see the glory that is all around you!

    Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground. - Dante

    A few years ago, every time I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel, it was another train, getting ready to run me over. What I have learned here, got me off the tracks, and out of the **** tunnel. Not only is that light not a train, many times it's now a plane. A plane taking me to Arizona, to see my gran-kids. A freedom I never thought I would have. To be able to visit them, about every two months, is a direct result of what I have learned, AND APPLIED, from SMF.

    There is hope! Take what you learn here and keep moving forward. Little by little, day by day, life can, and does, get better!

    Oh yea, and I get to take naps. Every single day! I love naps!

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  28. #15
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    here's to a new day and start of a new week being better for ya Bro

    one moment at a time

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  30. #16
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    if you get lemonaid in your milk get some more milk

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  32. #17
    Yunkman is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Wow.....I'm not even depressed and you guys and gals gave me a lift just by reading your responses to this thread. I'm especially inspired by the many spiritual quotes. Yep, it sure does make a difference in this life and hey, we win in the end y'know !! I've read to the end of the book. You have good mentors here Scrapme.

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  34. #18
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Scrapme, it's always darkest before the dawn!

    I have been there myself, either due to burnout or just not enough scrap. Keep your chin up, it ain't easy being us but once you turn in you will realize just what your hard work meant.

    You will still be hooked, you will still want to get out there and tame those negative demons! Do right by our trade and you will go far! It takes a while to learn but, if you ever want to vent please don't feel bad for it - we have all been there and will listen.

    I am sending you cyber hugs right now {{HUGS}}
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  36. #19
    jiffy117 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Man is often destroyed from the inside out... rarely from the outside in.

    Simply reading these posts will not make you feel better, only using the advice given and working at making the changes inward and outward will. I deal with depression quite a bit myself, it is not easy, and its not something that you only have to "fix" one time. Its a constant effort for sure. Chin up, make a plan, organize your thoughts, eliminate your negativity at the perceived situation and press forward. Good luck my friend!

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  38. #20
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    It's called life. We have all been there. It is what teaches us how to cope with life. Any one who does not go through these lessons has no survival skills and would not survive a real disaster.

    I'm an adrenalin junkie, always have been. I have lived on the edge all my life. I could have been and done any thing I wanted but, I chose to live life on my terms and, always have.

    I have gone from the top to the bottom many many times.

    I started this scrap business 3 years ago with absolutely 0, no money, no tools, no prospects, What greater sence of accomplishment can there be then starting from there. You have done it all, no one else.

    put on your big boy pants (if you don't have any, GET A PAIR). Not tomorrow or next week but right now. break every thing down. If you can't , sell $20 worth of scrap and buy an angle grinder.

    Study this forum and the posts, there is a PHD degree in scrap at your finger tips FREE. or give up and join the other 10s of millions who won't survive the next 10 years. just my .02
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 07-14-2014 at 09:10 AM.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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