Originally Posted by
I have noticed a lot lately that people are answering question and directing people off site on others buyers threads. As a buyer and a large contributor to the forum I fond this a little troubling. If a buyer doesnt want to take the time to answer questions on there own threads then why would you expect them to treat any other form of communication any differently. Not only that I would hate to have someone answer a question on my buyers thread and it be wrong.
Hence the question. Does anyone else think that questions posted on a buyers thread should only be answered by the buyer? Unless of course its someone asking about feedback on said buyer.
I could add a line of text to the sticky Guidelines thread at the top of the buyers section, but those stickies only go so far. I agree with this, as far as other members answering questions directed at the buyer. Additionally, you could always post a notice in your own thread asking other members not to answer questions on your behalf.
Originally Posted by
I also think that inactivity on the forum should move a buyer down on the list. WAY DOWN. More activity should move you up!
Originally Posted by
I try to be helpful but always let the one asking the questions needs to verify everything with said buyer first............Either way the buyers section is a mess in my opinion..........I am buried behind tons of buyers who don't even participate on this forum..........
Have you ever bumped your thread? The ONLY way to be at the top of the Buyers & Sellers thread lists, (and categories) is to either post a new thread, or pay to bump an existing thread.
Threads with inactive members will naturally fall down the list over time and be stuck at the bottom because of the pay to bump option on buyer threads. Buyers with threads at or near the top of this section or any category are there because they are actively buying and promoting their threads.
The inactivity of buyers is certainly a legitimate concern amongst many of you, regardless of where they're located in the list so I'll see if I can work on that.
Maybe I could add a line of code to get the member's date of last activity to display within their thread along with their user information, location, member since, thanks etc...
We're always in favor of making improvements and adding functionality to add value onto what we to provide here, so I'm glad this thread was started, definitely a good discussion.