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Toilet paper with no cardboard roll!

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  1. #1
    hobo finds started this thread.
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    Toilet paper with no cardboard roll!

    Just saw an ad on TV no cardboard needed to make the rolls of tp. And got a box (not a box) of tissues that was soft plastic to form a box. Things are changing. I feel more and more plastic will start to replace metals. Look at your Walmart hangers for clothes.

    No cardboard is less costs for the manafacturer but the old production line (machienes) needs replaced.

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  3. #2
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    Noticed this with bottled water. The caps got smaller and the bottles thinner and at one time had a cardboard box like a case of soda and then a single flat cardboard . Then the last case only wrapped in plastic.
    Google first ask questions later!

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