Yeah, an electric fence will keep out only the dumbest of the dumb crooks. Throwing a chain over it will ground it out, lean a metal bar against it, just about anything will render them useless. About the only thing they might be good for is detecting that someone is crawling over your fence when the fence is shorted out.
I'm assuming you are talking about the electric fence devices that farmers generally use to keep stock contained. They can give a heck of a kick but are not supposed to put out enough power to be lethal to anyone except maybe someone with heart problems. If you are talking about electric fences that will kill a person, I don't know anything about them....! Except that they can be shorted out just like the cattle fencers.
Liability is right! Even if you are in a jurisdiction that allows you to protect your premises in a near lethal manner you had better check with your lawyer first.
I had great fun with them in getting neighbors dogs with a cattle fencer when I lived in the 'burbs where everyone had bigger the 5 acre size. First thing that everyone seemed to do when moving out there was to get a couple of big frickin dogs and let them run free. Well, we had chickens and didn't appreciate the dogs going nuts at them outside the heavily meshed chicken run. So I bought the heaviest duty fencer I could find- it had a picture of a cartoon cow on it on its back with its feet smoking... and put alternating wires on the outside of the chicken mesh---ground, hot, ground, hot, about every 6 inches up sides of the run.
Musta zapped every dog in a 5 mile radius. Gad, it was funny! The best one was one I didn't see, but my wife did...a mutt lifted its leg on the mesh. It somersaulted its way out of the yard... trying to run and look at its dingy at the same time.