I'm interested in them. I don't know if I have anyone that you want. If you do, I'm definitely open to trades.
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I'm interested in them. I don't know if I have anyone that you want. If you do, I'm definitely open to trades.
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Your offering to much there BC. Take the copper out, it'll just get picked off.
Mike..I love your rant. I think we'll see some good ones from you this season. Ha ha!
lol @ Metal an his thoughts on Romo.
My house was a comedy zone today, the wife gets vocal with her Redskins, an the crap she was talking to her own team had me rolling.
So...PJ will you post the standings for ya'lls league once the games are done for the week?
An I'm picking NJ for the underdog. He's funny, plus he has..Cody whatisname!
Sirscrapalot - Lolzers at Romo! - Metal
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I sent you a trade offer
CHECK OUT MY BUYERS THREAD http://www.scrapmetalforum.com/scrap...nic-scrap.html
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I've accepted the trade offer- at least if I've done it right. I'm new to this fantasy stuff. It's kind of fun, though.
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You guys with your panties all in a bunch...I'ts only week one. Don't have a fire sale already
And Mike, wanna go double or nothing? We play again week 12. That is unless Peyton Manning gets knocked out for the season. Then, as they say all bets are off!
And Matador, why didn't you start Rapelotsburger. He had a career day.
And BC, as I told you, slow down. You're making the rest of us look bad.And no, bench points are worth nothing. CRT TV, with no yoke.
And Sirs, Yes I will post results.
And Patriot, your team sucks.
Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.
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I would have started the rapist over the pansy, if I'd known that he was going to have a good game. I thought about it, and now wish that I didn't start Romo. Of course, then I would have started Travis Kelce over Jordan Reed, who got me a whole 0.4 points before becoming injured.
Of course, if I could have known the future, I would have drafted differently, and would be having a perfect season.
But, I don't know much of anything with football. I'm just in it for the fun.
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Just riding you a little Matador. We are all just playing for fun...and maybe some (small) side bets, and smack
Oh, and Sirscrapalot, I'm still chuckling every time I think of using the whole bird. LOL
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If you got any more like that, that are NSFSMF (not safe for Scrap Metal Forum) PM 'em to me![]()
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lol..will do.
Someday we'll share with the rest of the class.
Sirscrapalot - Off to make late night dinner.
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We'll, my Phins won!! Woohoo!!! I debated two weeks whether to try for Knowshon Moreno......dang it! Lol.
BC had a great day against me with Ryan killing it today, congrats! I should do MUCH better next week....and no, I'm not looking to trade anyone. What's funny is if Prater wasn't suspended, he would have made as many points as Bailey from Dallas did just from PAT's. If Dallas didn't suck SO bad, Bailey could've gotten more points, but with half the possessions being turned over through INT(lol) all the great players that Dallas does have can't make anything happen I.e. Dez Bryant!. Sorry for whoever has him geez....he should always have AT least a ten point game! I need 38 points from Joique Bell tomorrow and for BC to get 0 for a win.....anyone think it'll happen???? LOL
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
Charles R. Swindoll
Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
Thomas Jefferson
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I just noticed steel curtain has Andre Ellington for tom. He is injured and won't play .
Buying ewaste and video games !
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This isn't good for someone.....
Baltimore Ravens cut Ray Rice after new video surfaces - ESPN
I was tossed up between picking Ray Rice or Cody Parkey.... looks like I did okay!!
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I was just reading this also an wondering how it'd play out for ya'lls league.
Sirscrapalot - Elevator action..2014.
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Elevator action great nes game . I drafted him or traded for him no biggie I'm deep at rb. But while we are on topic of ray rice . It's dumb what he did and deserves his ban but isn't this double jeopardy on behalf of the nfl ? He was suspended , went thru the courts and all the fun stuff now they ban him indefinitly after he has allready been tried . Sounds like a law suit to me . Not saying that it's right but the nfl could get their butts handed to them on this .
I was in attendance for the home loss this weekend . Justin forsett ran very well after pierce got benched following his first career fumble .
Matador don't trade leveon bell he is your best player !
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Elevator action great nes game . I drafted him or traded for him no biggie I'm deep at rb. But while we are on topic of ray rice . It's dumb what he did and deserves his ban but isn't this double jeopardy on behalf of the nfl ? He was suspended , went thru the courts and all the fun stuff now they ban him indefinitly after he has allready been tried . Sounds like a law suit to me . Not saying that it's right but the nfl could get their butts handed to them on this .
I was in attendance for the home loss this weekend . Justin forsett ran very well after pierce got benched following his first career fumble .
Matador don't trade leveon bell he is your best player !
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They claim they didn't the see the new video making the rounds. An lets face it, his 2 game suspension was a joke. Guy pops dirty for smoking pot is out for a lot more games. Or run out of the league like Ricky Williams.
So..I hear what your saying but I don't think the NFL will get in trouble. Pretty sure they have in all contracts a moral clause. You eff up royally an bring shame to the league your in trouble. I'd say jacking your fiancee's jaw an then dragging her through the lobby falls under that.
if you haven't seen the video..Ray Rice -- ELEVATOR KNOCKOUT ... Fiancee Takes Crushing Punch [Video] | Celebrity Videos | TMZ.com
It's not just TMZ reporting it either, they were the ones to release it first though. An Baltimore dropped him like a bad habit.
An yes..Elevator action was a great game. No clue on the NES one, but the arcade got a lot of my quarters when I was a kid.
Oh an I have jokes, but it's way to soon. I never claimed to always be Politically Correct.
Glad it won't hurt you to much. An someone will pick up Rice. After all they gave Vick a second chance. If I had a rolling eye smiley i'd use it.
Sirscrapalot - Ya do the crime, ya do the time...or suspension..whatever.
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