Your always welcome.
I'll even promise to keep all my Canada jokes online.
I'll see if I can't find some she took, an load them to the album on here I started for sandbar ones.
There's an abandoned town near by on the mainland..Buffalo City. Known back in the day for moonshine and logging. Not much left but a sign, buildings overgrown(not all of them still stand) an various other things from the era. I think the town lasted till the 50s, then it went away like a lot of places.
For anyone interested.
Buffalo City, North Carolina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When I was working with
Amazon back in 08, the town their Warehouse was in is called Coffeyville. Not the greatest town, but so rich in history. I loved walking around on my days off an snapping pictures with my phone. The dalton gang if I got the name right were stopped there trying to rob a bank.(They do a reenactment every year, Dalton Days) not to mention the rodeos, an other stuff.
One thing I love about my country is all the history. It may not always be good things, but the fact it's still here for me to see, touch, wander, photograph, etc..does make me happy. Ghost towns are always fun to explore for me. Heh.
Anyhow, back to Jord's topic!
Who else is a shutterbug out there? Share your pictures!
Sirscrapalot - If the camera is round, why do pictures come out a square? - Stolen from some site I didn't stop to get the name of.