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Despite my trash talking I agree, that is pretty awesome.
I think you might have just made Hypo faint tho. Being as he's a Dolphins fan.
Sirscrapalot - Ahh, Earth Day, the only day of the year where being able to hacky-sack will get you laid. - Jon Stewart
Nah, I got to hang out with Garo Yepremian at a military meet the players event and he let me wear his 1972 (undefeated) Super Bowl ring…. it was amazing!! Also Ed "too tall" Jones let me wear his Superbowl XII ring…..that dude is huge!!!! I am a tall dude myself and I'm not used to other men towering over me! LOL! Also, Fred the Hammer Williamson was there plus a butt ton of other greats and some chicks that used to be cheerleaders but i suspect are now porn stars…..

I bought a plain white t-shirt for autographs and wrote on the front of it "These people are famous" and on the back I wrote "And you're not!" lol. BUT! Wearing Don Shula's ring……..EVEN COOLER FOR SURE!
You have to pretend that your life is a financial pleasure even when your autographs are bouncing.
Kinky Friedman