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Be careful who you let into your home.

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    pjost started this thread.
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    Be careful who you let into your home.

    Mother and father in-law are getting their newly built garage finished up. Work is being done by a father and son carpentry team. What could go wrong? Well, F-I-L had a leg amputated several years back and has tremendous phantom pain. Therefore, he takes lots of prescription pain know where this is going. M-I-L works daily, F-I-L goes to dialysis M, W, F. Well, they have to leave the house open if the carpenters trip a breaker or have to take a dump.

    Long story short, we set up a motion sensor camera (like hunters use for deer) on Saturday night after a card game. There in pictures is the carpenter's son going through the pill drawer.

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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Yeah that's the norm . You can count on someone stealing something almost daily here . Sounds like the kid needs advice and guidance . Kids these days will just take whatever just for affect . How come pills and booze kill so many but heroine addicts live forever ?

    On a side note this forum is used by thieves to scout out potential targets . I have read numerous posts from members that have had thefts . Be carefull what you post on here . Not all forum members are created equal . Much like not all buyers and sellers are equal .

    Be smart stay safe and don't forget to leave a great review on Angie's list ! Babb heck anyone who will listen
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    matador's Avatar
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    And this is why I don't put my location in the forum. Out here, though, the pill thefts are pretty rampant.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Pills are nasty business. I hope you plan to show the father the tape of his son. An if gets all bent out of shape turn it over to the law. You may think your hurting him, but you could just end up saving him from himself.

    Far as location..unless you stick your home address on here, I doubt anyone is coming to rob you Matador. Most pill abusers, meth addicts, an the like have sold all their valuables for a fix. Guess what I'm saying is I doubt any meth or pill addicited folks are scanning SMF looking for someone to go rob off of something as vague as a city. You could always put something near you.

    Far as the Heroin users living forever...not right now their not. That new crap going around mixed with that pill(Can't recall name) is dropping people like flies. Supposedly that's what they liek tho, more people who OD on heroin the more money the dealers make cause of the rep of the stuff.

    I'm all for helping folks kick their bad habits but they have to want it. Me yelling, *****ing, nagging, whatever isn't going to stop someone from smoking, drinking, or abusing drugs. It usually takes a huge wake up call for a lot of folks with these addictions.

    Sucks to hear about them trying to get over on your family. Totally not cool, an again..I'd be showing that video to the father, an if he doesn't do right by you all, I'd hand it over to the law. Sometimes you gotta be a **** for people to get the help they need, or lest take a hint they need the help.

    Good luck with it all PJ.

    Sirscrapalot - Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. - Henry Emerson Fos****

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    pjost started this thread.
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    Thanks for the words of encouragement Sirscrapalot. To tell you the truth, the wife and I were just very relived to find out it wasn't one of our kids.

    And yes, my father in-law did show the carpenter dad the pics. Just heard about the results of our trap tonight, so we'll see what happens. Cops may be notified.

    Wife had a good point. If the kid is out selling the dope on the street, and nobody told the cops about all this...

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  11. #6
    pjost started this thread.
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    Edit: "use the whole bird" is unrelated to this post.

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  13. #7
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjost View Post
    Thanks for the words of encouragement Sirscrapalot. To tell you the truth, the wife and I were just very relived to find out it wasn't one of our kids.

    And yes, my father in-law did show the carpenter dad the pics. Just heard about the results of our trap tonight, so we'll see what happens. Cops may be notified.

    Wife had a good point. If the kid is out selling the dope on the street, and nobody told the cops about all this...

    Use the whole bird!!!

    Tell me you didn't tell the wife that one. lol.

    Well again I hope it works out man, sucks to have to play this role but again...ya'll are likely saving this kid from his own foolish self.

    Sirscrapalot - I've had a good day when I don't fall out of the cart. - Buddy Hackett

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  15. #8
    pjost started this thread.
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    Haha, no didn't tell the wife that one. She is so small town naive, she wouldn't get it. It's cute.

    Told some buddies tho, always good for a laugh.

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  17. #9
    pjost started this thread.
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    Gonad (Metalbestos haha) and Matador: Yes, I have thought about that when posting pics on here. For the record: I have absolutely NO valuable metals at my undisclosed location!

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  19. #10
    etack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Pills are nasty business. I hope you plan to show the father the tape of his son. An if gets all bent out of shape turn it over to the law. You may think your hurting him, but you could just end up saving him from himself.

    Far as location..unless you stick your home address on here, I doubt anyone is coming to rob you Matador. Most pill abusers, meth addicts, an the like have sold all their valuables for a fix. Guess what I'm saying is I doubt any meth or pill addicited folks are scanning SMF looking for someone to go rob off of something as vague as a city. You could always put something near you.

    Far as the Heroin users living forever...not right now their not. That new crap going around mixed with that pill(Can't recall name) is dropping people like flies. Supposedly that's what they liek tho, more people who OD on heroin the more money the dealers make cause of the rep of the stuff.

    I'm all for helping folks kick their bad habits but they have to want it. Me yelling, *****ing, nagging, whatever isn't going to stop someone from smoking, drinking, or abusing drugs. It usually takes a huge wake up call for a lot of folks with these addictions.

    Sucks to hear about them trying to get over on your family. Totally not cool, an again..I'd be showing that video to the father, an if he doesn't do right by you all, I'd hand it over to the law. Sometimes you gotta be a **** for people to get the help they need, or lest take a hint they need the help.

    Good luck with it all PJ.

    Sirscrapalot - Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. - Henry Emerson Fos****
    its fentanyl and they are dropping like flies around my area too. 23 dead in 12 days is crazy.

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  21. #11
    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    ive said in the past that i had my battles with addiction.....i can say from expierience that fentanyl is one of the deadliest, strongest things out was not available in pill form when i was could only be obtained from time release patches that you wore on your was hard to seperate from the time release gel,but it was possible using coca cola and cigarette filters....anyhow it weakened it down some ,,well it was still very dangerous it that form....i just cant believe it has been made available in pill form

    no matter what they make new and what they already have and then outlaw...people will always find something to use and abuse....i hope that kids father can either talk or beat some help into his kid...sad thing is,,if its got its claws into him no matter what he will have to hit rock bottom and finally want more out of life before he will even entertain the idea of getting help

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  23. #12
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    I hate to hear about this kind of thing. It casts everyone working in the trades in a bad light. The boss on the job is responsible for the actions of his workers. He should be fired on the spot ... no questions asked. Next .... put the word out amongst the master tradesmen in your area. We talk amongst ourselves and if a guy has gone rogue we deal with it.

    The last guy that went bad here lost all of his work and was forced to leave the state. Word came back a few months ago that he had hung himself.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Wadar i first want to say..I applaud you telling us about your past, a lot of folks won't share such things, which I can understand. The fact you did an changed your life around says a lot about you. I Hope others can do the same. I do know how bad the addiction can be, not by using but by having very good friends, an even family go down that path. Sadly I can't say it ended as well for all of them.

    Pills are everywhere as is the addiction to them. I've mentioned it before in my posts in regards to CO and WA. We'll give these pills an crap to the doctors who then sell it to every patient they can for that kick back. In the recent school thread I think it was someone mentioned the same thing going on with the schools. We'll put our kids on this stuff, an then wonder why 7 years down the road their crushing Oxycontin an getting high, or worse using heroin mixed with the fentyicantspellit stuff.

    Yet it's some huge crime to smoke a god given plant of the earth, that does nothing but make people get a long for the most part. Unlike you know..Alcohol, or pills. Both legal yet abused more then any other drugs..with the exception of nicotine an caffeine(I think ha!). An then people wonder we got thieves stripping homes of their copper an other metals..all so they can go score some pills, or meth, or heroin.

    An people still continue to wonder why society is going down that sucky path. Couldn't have anything to do with doping up the kids, for you know..being kids.

    Bleh, ranting..will end now. LOL.

    Short version : Pills, meth an heroin both suck an are ruining our youth and our adults.

    Sirscrapalot - Genius is more often found in a cracked pot than in a whole one. - E.B. White

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  27. #14
    DopenScrapple's Avatar
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    I found a whole bunch of hyrdrocodones in a dumpster I was picking scrap out of. It made me mad that somebody would throw "hazardous waste" out like that, so I made sure that they were disposed of properly.

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