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taking load in on the first

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  1. #1
    hunterandscrapper started this thread.
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    taking load in on the first

    Well I will take pics tomorrow but I picked my load from grandma's and grandma and I are gonna take it on the first. I also got a pair of bolt cutters. I'm thinking in the load from grandma's I've got 250lbs. But I'm gonna add to that tomorrow I'm hoping I can get at least 1000 lbs my last load was 1640 so I hope to get close or better then that

  2. #2
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I have been aiming to get all my scrap ready so I could sell it on the first too.
    Gonna get pics as well.

    But, the scraps still comming in, needs processing. I can't sell 'plastic coated wire' by % so I have no alternative but to burn it off....

    Should be a good payday though, saving up since last December. Its all nonferrous due to the deal I have with a guy where I collect from. But that's honesty for yah.
    I'm not counting my burnt Copper at the moment, six sacks full of plastic coated wire... Seems to return 66% by weight.

    Should be $2000 plus extras. Yay!

    I got a chance today to do computers for a guy, he wants the lawn area back for his work at home job.
    He saved them up. Stacked everywhere. If I do the grunt work, he can do more of his job = earn more $$.
    I will scrap everything down, prob sell the iron and give him the $ from that.
    Then, when I figure out how/where to sell the escrap, give him a per computer $ amount afterwards.
    Most importantly, clear his lawn area!

    Never seen a 486 resin on a glass fibre base untill today....
    Never seen a rectangle Pentium so far either, just 3 K4 triple Golds in my life.....
    I expect that to change soon.

  3. #3
    hunterandscrapper started this thread.
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    So excited taking a nice size load in

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