View Poll Results: Ebola... What do you think?

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  • Nothing to worry about.

    7 21.21%
  • Somewhat worrysome.

    19 57.58%
  • I wish I had prepared for trouble.

    2 6.06%
  • We are all going to die.

    5 15.15%
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Ebola Talk... - Page 2

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  1. #21
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=hobo finds;218918]Its not going to be good, what if they stop international flights? What if they stop travel in to your state by any means (walking, car, train, plane). So much for the economy recovering! If this comes our way It wont matter whom we elected we will all have to deal with its effects.[/

    Economy recover ???? Stay away from that Red or Blue Cool-aid.

    I just got back from the grocery store, I buy minute stakes and chicken thighs because they are the cheapest meat you used to be able to buy. Minuit stakes now $5.80 a lb, chicken thyes now $1.39 a lb. The average wage in Amerika today, not minimum but average wage in real value terms is less then the minimum wage in 1969.

    The cost of living hasn't gone up in years. That is of course if you don't count. food, housing,transportation, fuel and utilities. Which , of course are not counted in the inflation index. just sayin.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 10-05-2014 at 02:42 AM.
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  3. #22
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Bad news...Dallas patient dead.

    More bad news...looks like someone in his apartment has it now.
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  5. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by NJSouth View Post

    Hmmmmmmm. Now THAT is interesting. Its a short read but it makes a lot of sense now.
    Imagine that.

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  7. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    Bad news...Dallas patient dead.

    More bad news...looks like someone in his apartment has it now.
    Worse news is that he was admitted then released and out and about for 8 days before he was sent back to hospital. When will we learn!!!!

    Now heard on way to work that 5 airports where most flights arrive from West Africa will now start taking peoples temperatures before being allowed entry through customs. Ummm the horse is out of the barn already folks!!

    How long before the ACLU decides to say its a civil rights violation and take it to court. In the mean time people still arriving will be getting in until a decision is made on the case.

    All the while Ceasar plays his fiddle while Rome is burning!!!!!
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  9. #25
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    How is it wrong now to check people coming into this country? Anyone remember Ellis Island?

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  11. #26
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Ebola, do we think we understand it? We think we can control it? What happens if it mutates? What do I think? Do I or you matter?

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  13. #27
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    yes WE do matter, there are those who have many thinking they don't matter, that has always been the elitist game.

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  15. #28
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    The answer is yes, we all matter! The question was a meant to be rhetoric and to drive home the point, that we all count and matter. What another person does can and usually will effect others, Ebola is a perfect example of that, this planet of "OURS" is not so big anymore!

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  17. #29
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    I listen to news and radio and I keep hearing people trying to understand why we are allowing people from ebola infected countries to travel to the US. None of the reasons that it is being allowed makes sense and non of the reasons explaining why stopping it makes any sense. To me, it looks like we are intentionally planting the infection here. To me, it looks like we are the subjects of an experiment by the US government.

    I believe the current administration has its heart set on destroying the US. I have seen enough interviews where the participants say exactly that. In their view, the US needs to be punished and knocked down a peg. Bill Ayers, who is an admitted terrorist bomber, founder of the anti America terror group Weather Underground, and sponsor and mentor Barack Obama, has a plan formulated where the US economy is collapsed. In the plan, capitalist leaning citizens would be herded to re-education camps to unlearn American ideas. Those who would resist re-education would be killed. The number given was 25 million or so. Those guys were okay with killing twenty five million people... that is over 4X those killed by Hitler and they chat it up like they are talking about what color the curtains should be.

    It looks to me that we are being set up for a marshal law situation where the government could use force to move us around. If people start dying en masse, our economy will crash. People will panic and demand government control at the cost of our freedom... crushing control of freedom.

    To me, the only thing that makes any sense is that we are being set up for complete and total destruction so that the US can be handed over to those who seek to do us harm.

    I do not believe we are in the hands of an administration who is looking out in the best interest of America.

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  19. #30
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    I do not believe we are in the hands of an administration who is looking out in the best interest of America.

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

    The Manchurian Candidate, its not just a movie anymore.

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  21. #31
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I talked to a doctor that is both a friend and a client this afternoon. I have known this man since 1992, he is not just a doctor, but the head of the largest hospital in my area. The doc told me somethings, that kind of put me at ease. First thing he said every major hospital in the nation has made Ebola awareness priority #1. Still mistakes are going to happen with serious consequences (Dallas). Most hospitals in this country will probably never have to deal with Ebola, in his opinion. They do need to gear up for it though, as it could happen anywhere in the world, due to the way people (diseases) travel today. What he said that really put it all in perspective for me, that more than a dozen people in our area will die from the flue this year. As that has been the norm for many years now and that is a sad commentary on just one of many problems in this country. How true is that!

  22. #32
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    1.The flue dose not have a 70% mortality rate.

    2. why should one person in this country die from a sickness transported here by a lying citizen from another country.

    3. how many are we willing to sacrifice to foreign visitors or "refuges", to death and disablement. when the governments claims to defend us and our boarders. It was and,is, supposed to be, their one and only job. Instead they have their rutting, greedy, noses in your childrens school and bedroom and every thing else every thing but.

    Wake the F up they may kill you either through stupidity, not caring, or on purpose.

    The guy from Africa is nothing more then a lying murderer. how many will die because of him, and our governments lack of doing their job. Where are the protests about that.

    How many cases of Measles, Tuberculosis, Polio and other deasieses are they going to let into this country to kill and maim you and your children. One day you will wake up and remember this post and the crankey old Bas**ard who posted it but guess what, by then it may well be too late to save you and yours.

    sry just some reality.

    I am truly sorey for this post o,r should I say the fact that I felt it even necessary.

    It is nice to put your trust in others but, the bottom line is YOU are responsible for you and your children's future, safety, and protection.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 10-15-2014 at 09:41 PM.

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  24. #33
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Don't worry guys..I can save you all. For a small fee I can save you from the Man, the Government, Big brother, Aids, Ebola, Anthrax, Small Pox, an other bad things! Words can't do it justice...allow me to show you a picture.

    An don't worry, we got your transportation covered!

    Are prices are high, but it's better then The Man getting you, or bleeding from your pores while waiting for your liver to turn to mush from Ebola.

    Act now! Before the sky falls in totally!

    Sidenote - Not debating politics. Both sides are crooked an could care less about you or me. Just care about getting into our wallets. Fear mongering is nothing new to either side, don't kid yourself. Bad things happened well before 2008 an will happen well after 2016.

    Sirscrapalot - Ebola is a mean *****.

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  26. #34
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Olddude all valid points and Iv'e been awake since 5 AM.LOL

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  28. #35
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    Sirs now I know who to call!

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  30. #36
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I got ya covered burt! We even have Cali EPA approved tin foil!

    Protect your mind, an nature!

    Sirscrapalot - Just bleeding out of my pores, don't mind me.

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  32. #37
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    It has been discovered the tin foil actually acts as an antenna and attracts the boogy man

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  34. #38
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    I think I will just need to deal with boogy man's and the Cali EPA as I have had much tougher adversaries in the past. I'm still standing and some of my aggressors are not. My good luck and their misfortune!

  35. #39
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    Good thing my antenna is mobile.

    Sorry for the hijack but you all were depressing me.

    Sirscrapalot - Coming soon: The OMG IT"S GOLD BUCKET™ made from 100% tin foil!

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  37. #40
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    Hey can you make a foil cover for coolers????

    Protect the alcohol, it kills everything-BC

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