Don't worry guys..I can save you all. For a small fee I can save you from the Man, the Government, Big brother, Aids, Ebola, Anthrax, Small Pox, an other bad things! Words can't do it justice...allow me to show you a picture.
An don't worry, we got your transportation covered!
Are prices are high, but it's better then The Man getting you, or bleeding from your pores while waiting for your liver to turn to mush from Ebola.
Act now! Before the sky falls in totally!
Sidenote - Not debating politics. Both sides are crooked an could care less about you or me. Just care about getting into our wallets. Fear mongering is nothing new to either side, don't kid yourself. Bad things happened well before 2008 an will happen well after 2016.
Sirscrapalot - Ebola is a mean *****.