In 1999 when I started driving gas was 90 cents and cost me $20 to fill up my 1987 Grand Marquis. This car was a huge boat! Today to fill up my wife's 05 Highlander it cost $65. Makes me sick every time I pull into the station. Add into this all the new things things we all feel we "need" to function or do business nowadays. Plus the cost of raising kids is stupid high. Plus if you don't want to promote laziness and obesity in kids nowadays you want them in sports or something. That costs us so much every year, especially since my girls are softball phenoms and get INVITED to play on the travel team which has scouts watching them at every stage.....cuz we want our kids to have better chances in life than we did......earned chances of course to promote all the values that your great grandparents had during the greatest generation.....
Wow....that spun out of control fast!! Lol!
I envision tangents as a sort of swing. You start in one spot, the "base", move to another spot off base, try to get to the other base before you're out, then once you've touched all four bases you've scored!!!........What was I saying? - me