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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    Income vs outgo for scrappers 1970 vs 2011

    Thought you might like to know why you are working harder and smarter but going backwards.


    Average load of scrap metal $44.24 per met ton today 180 4.7x

    ground beef .99 4.98 5.29x

    sirloin steak (dont remember what this is) 1.19 8.59 71/2x

    here is the kicker FUEL .36 3.60 10x

    new chevy pu 2229 (est) 26,000 121/2 x

    The only ones to be able to keep up were the CEOs etc. In 1970 they were making $25,000 today their making $200,000 8x

    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    new chevy pu 2229 (est) 26,000 121/2 x
    And not worth it, just like the overpaid CEO's.
    Thanks for a good post.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #3
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    Really can't believe this post is not getting more attention. Independent thinkers should certainly know income and out go in relative $.

    That says a lot in where many are today mentally. Sry folks, just some hard reality.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 10-07-2014 at 02:20 PM.

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  7. #4
    redcrossnj is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I havent been around long . But i can tell you i have seen "drastic Change" in my short years... Actullay am reading an interesting book about it right now .

  8. #5
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    1970's no cell phone or internet! 2011 $$$

    1970's All in the Family 2011 the Walking Dead (both good shows!)

  9. #6
    JnJunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    1970's no cell phone or internet! 2011 $$$

    1970's All in the Family 2011 the Walking Dead (both good shows!)
    I'm 16 but All in the Family man that is the shiznit. Archie the Good Ol'Merican

  10. #7
    pjost's Avatar
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    I was 3 in 1970, but I get the point. Do the math on 1990. That's when I got my first "real" job. I thought: "if I could just get to $10/hr, I'll be making the big bucks". lol
    Last edited by pjost; 10-07-2014 at 04:58 PM.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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  12. #8
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    I wasn't old enough to work in 1971 but when I did start working I made minimum wage ($3.10). By the time I left school I was well past minimum wage with no looking back. No I never intended to raise a family on that kind of money so I don't know what these idiots today are whining about. Prime rate back then was around 18% and Reagan's policy hadn't had an impact yet and the economy was in the crapper.

    Minimum wage has not quite tripled yet but close. Gas was 1.00-1.25 a gallon back then and triple now. Not sure what beef prices were back then but until the past couple of years I considered them to be reasonable. I do the shopping and cooking so also in charge of the food budget and do not like the current trend in beef and dairy.

    I'm not going to disclose my income but it's many times from where I started at $3.10. I count my blessings to have been able to get where I am as a high school drop out.

    Am I happy with the current state of the USA? NO, but I am happy with my direction and goals and will continue to show up at the voting booth and hope that others are seeking change as well. I seriously think that if voters took a serious inventory of their beliefs and standards they would wonder why they vote the way they do. Neither party is great but with the current system we have, a vote for a third party is pretty much a wasted vote so I will vote they way I think will have an actual impact.

    The one thing that has effected my economy is the lack of Immigration Enforcement.

    Mike I'm picking up what your throwing down but, the one thing that has always kept me going is finding the positive in bad situation and building from there.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 10-07-2014 at 05:02 PM.
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  14. #9
    redcrossnj is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I agree this is america and you can do anything you want . We went from being able to make anything to not being able to make a pair of shoes

  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by redcrossnj View Post
    I agree this is america and you can do anything you want . We went from being able to make anything to not being able to make a pair of shoes
    That's not true. We make LOTS of government cheese.

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  17. #11
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    In 1999 when I started driving gas was 90 cents and cost me $20 to fill up my 1987 Grand Marquis. This car was a huge boat! Today to fill up my wife's 05 Highlander it cost $65. Makes me sick every time I pull into the station. Add into this all the new things things we all feel we "need" to function or do business nowadays. Plus the cost of raising kids is stupid high. Plus if you don't want to promote laziness and obesity in kids nowadays you want them in sports or something. That costs us so much every year, especially since my girls are softball phenoms and get INVITED to play on the travel team which has scouts watching them at every stage.....cuz we want our kids to have better chances in life than we did......earned chances of course to promote all the values that your great grandparents had during the greatest generation.....

    Wow....that spun out of control fast!! Lol!

    I envision tangents as a sort of swing. You start in one spot, the "base", move to another spot off base, try to get to the other base before you're out, then once you've touched all four bases you've scored!!!........What was I saying? - me
    Last edited by Hypoman; 10-07-2014 at 05:50 PM.
    Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
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  19. #12
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    High School Marching Band Fee $550.00! And what the F. is up with the price of butter!

  20. #13
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    I'll pay the 2.50 for four sticks of butter(1.80 if you know sheer to look in my town) than pay one red cent for margarine!!!

    “As for butter versus margarine, I trust the cows more than chemists.”
    ― Joan Dye Gussow

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  22. #14
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    I'll pay the 2.50 for four sticks of butter(1.80 if you know sheer to look in my town) than pay one red cent for margarine!!!

    “As for butter versus margarine, I trust the cows more than chemists.”
    ― Joan Dye Gussow

    They want almost $6 for 4 sticks here!

  23. #15
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    That's insane. I don't suppose you know any desert dwelling Amish do you?

    At Motel 6 in Amish Country I wonder if they leave the light on for you?

    Jay London

  24. #16
    Scrappah is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Really can't believe this post is not getting more attention. Independent thinkers should certainly know income and out go in relative $.

    That says a lot in where many are today mentally. Sry folks, just some hard reality.
    I definitely get it.

    Work hard and you feed the flame that consumes you. The more you make the more they take.

    Work smart and you devise legal & lawful ways to escape the economic matrix which has been created.

    BTW: Who is John Gault ?

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  26. #17
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    You'd think they would have learned from what happened to Rome.

  27. #18
    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I posted this on my trapping forum back in April. Everybody should learn the term "reserve currency (global)" and how that effects them. We may all be getting to know what reserve currency means in short order...

    I was stuck in the Tampa airport for about 3 hours a couple Saturdays ago and has another 5 hours or so in transit so I bought a new book to pass the time (haven't bought a new hard copy book for while, bit of a sticker shock!!). Anyway, the book was called The Death on Money by a guy named James Rickards. He's been around a while:

    James G. Rickards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Very interesting read. Because I'm not in the position to get the assets that he claims are more sheltered from the paper money/financial earthquake he says is coming (land, gold, fine art, natural resource based mutual funds/hedge funds) except the last one maybe (being the employee of the federal agency that I work for, I can't own any mutual funds that are over 50% value in gold--I might have some sort of insider knowledge [which I don't]). So, I guess I'll be along for the ride, but at least I'll know where its coming from...

    Here are a few book reviews of The Death on Money:

    Make Wealth History | Daily Archive | 3rd April, 2014 ... -rickards/ ... s/?photo=2

    Book Review: The Death of Money | The Aleph Blog ... -of-money/ ... z2zZXorU1r

  28. #19
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    Agreed but I feel that investing in skills is just as much if not more important than investing in material goods. If another great depression were to hit. People who have the right skills could survive for themselves then outsource the skills they have to acquire the material goods others have desperately hoarded.

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