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@ wadarbr549- I respect your opinion and like the saying goes " you cant please all of the people all of the time". One thing I will ask is that please do not lump in prison guards and police officers together. At least where I am from they are two different entities and one job has nothing to do with another.
in ohio they can be both.....prison guards can take an extra course or something and become a special deputy ,,,there is a difference....i can tell by the patch on there shoulder....a normal guard is just a co ... but if they are a special deputy then they expect to be refered to as deputy or officer..... what it amounts to is if they get the extra training then they can join the srt team and the swat team...also ,,and i think this is the biggest reason they do it,,,,they can moonlight at football games and high school dances and such events and make extra cash...
the ones that are technically cops are the worst guards ever....especially the real short guys....they all seem to have huge chips on there shoulder....
not all of the guards i met were bad,,,,just like anything else there were good and bad.....the only crappy thing is...when they are bad they are in a position to be really bad, cruel, and just plain awful....and once they commit what ever violent or degrading act they feel like doing,,,the ones that are decent guards may not partake of the wrong doing,,,but they are quick to close there eyes,,,,or just walk into the bathroom or something