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community service...

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  1. #1
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    community service...

    I spent an hour or so walking around my neighborhood putting out our annual Scouting for Food bags. More often than not its ends up being cold and blustery while doing this. Semi-numb fingers try to tie the bags onto door handles tight enough that they don't blow away but fast enough so I'm not taken as a home intruder trying to pick a lock. Our Scouting for Food effort goes to our local food pantry in this bedroom town of 10,000 and is the largest single event that fills its shelves. If we would get a 20% fill with all the bags the Scouts put out, I'd be dancing in the streets!!

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  3. #2
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DakotaRog View Post
    I spent an hour or so walking around my neighborhood putting out our annual Scouting for Food bags. More often than not its ends up being cold and blustery while doing this. Semi-numb fingers try to tie the bags onto door handles tight enough that they don't blow away but fast enough so I'm not taken as a home intruder trying to pick a lock. Our Scouting for Food effort goes to our local food pantry in this bedroom town of 10,000 and is the largest single event that fills its shelves. If we would get a 20% fill with all the bags the Scouts put out, I'd be dancing in the streets!!
    I used to have a lot of fun doing this when I was a kid. I was a wierd kid, most thought it was work.
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

  4. #3
    Montymoose's Avatar
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    Good job scouts and scouters!

    Eagle Scout Moose (1965)

  5. #4
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    Just a single Scouter (mostly) in my neighbor. My boys are rebelling against being Boy Scouts. I'm disappointed but can't force them against their will to do it if they don't like it anymore. I guess I'll remain the only Eagle Scout in the family but I can help out keeping Scouting alive for other kids as I'm a higher up Asst. District Commissioner in my area.

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  7. #5
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Scouts in my neighborhood used to do a food drive on Halloween good idea, candy for them and food for the food bank...

  8. #6
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    One of the things I have noticed about good solid trustworty honest caring "I do it for all of us "(its not just all about me) "let's all do this" or " hey, if we get these we could" and actually getting out there and doing it people.

    They were all either Cubs and/or Boy Scouts as kids.

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  10. #7
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    I didn't finish the story from last weekend because I left town in such a rush. I got a pretty good return from my immediate neighborhood, getting 13-14 bags from about 50 houses. The next door subdivision and the cluster of 4-plexs down from the corner from me was a general bust, 2 bags out of about 70 homes. I don't get not giving but then again I don't have to answer for them in the end, they do...

    P.S. Haven't heard the final numbers but preliminary was more than 3,000 "pounds" of food, probably 500+ better than last year. I don't know if I have to dance in the streets or not; some confusion, I said if we got 20% bag fill, the director of the food pantry thought I said 20% increase from last year. We'll see.

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