Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
I blame Miked for this thread derailment.
It's cool, it's been kind words all around - seems everyone at some point's been to or lived in Liverpool lol.

Quote Originally Posted by DakotaRog View Post
Had a long lay-over by myself a few years back at O'Hare (usually not my favorite airport). Had a nice "Chicago" (or whatever they call it) dog with mustard, Hungarian peppers, onions, relish (?), and a couple other things. I certainly would eat more of those any day of the week...
When I was released from the Navy(2003), I ended up spending a night in Ohare and was surprised at how good the food was. There was ice on the runway from the rain and no one wanted to chance it, so all outgoing was grounded for the night.

Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
My first job after college was located in Liverpool, NY(1974). They have a great hotdog joint there as I recall and it was very old in those days.You could chooe from beef or pork hotdog with or without mustard. Those were the only options, kind of like the soup Nazi but for hotdogs and a couple of decades earlier. I was also introduced to sub sandwiches, which were unheard of in Indiana in those days. You could get them at gas stations that had a little sandwich shop in them. Good luck with the move.
Thank you, I appreciate it.

Just found out from talking to Nicole's dad that the area we live in is technicaly Gaville but where the house sits, it's half Liverpool/Gaville, half Syracuse. They've done alot to the area since I moved there 5 years ago. The buffet behind the hotel folded due to a family emergency and the bank on the corner became a chase. Across the screet the station became a Sonoco, and across the street from there was another station they converted into a subway. Only other thing was the expansion and rebuild of the Byrne n Dairy(best shake I've ever had). That and the owner of the carousel mall is always pushing the city for grant money to expand to put the mall on the map as a the place to go(their aiming to outdo the mall of america). I can't wait t see it all get done. They already expanded the mall a bit and the big ticket store in there is Toby Keith's bar/grill(good food but expensive). Thinking about it and talking to Nicole about it, we both miss Dennys for their boubon burgers. Whenever no one was in the mood to cook, we went to dennys lol. Then again we also use to get sodas/hot dogs from Pilot, and breakfast/lunch from Burger King.

Was up at the corner garage talking to the owner and he said he'd take a peek at the fuel filter on the truck and see if he can get it off(I couldn't, not even with the "special tool") so I dunno what that's going to cost in the end. Parents think we're crazy for wanting to move back, but the truth of the matter is there's nothing here(in Lancing). It's fine to retire at I guess, but there's no jobs or anything to keep busy with. The real truth is that it's warmer in Liverpool then Lancing right now lol.
