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Life in LA LA Land

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    bigburtchino started this thread.
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    Life in LA LA Land

    LA LA Land, Left Coast or "Life in the Fast Lane" no matter what label you want to give us, as a sport fan "Life Sucks".
    Raiders may actually get shut out, my prediction and it's hard for me to fathom that. I'm a lifetime Raider fan, had Season tickets all but their first year here in LA. Every once in awhile, I have this dream that they will return to LA. Then Sunday comes and that dream turns to a "Night Mare".

    Oh we do have the best team in the NBA, my world famous Los Angeles Lakers. The Houston Rockets 6-0, Memphis Grizzlies 5-0, Golden State Warriors 4-0 and Lakers 0-5, oh well. Our other NBA team, fired their dumb a$$ owner last season (Know any other organization that fired their owner?). They are 3-2 and I think they will finish strong and go deep into the NBA playoffs, but that's a long time from now (next summer). Charles Barkley says hes going on a diet until the Lakers get a win. May I introduce Charles, the skinniest man in America!

    We do have the NHL Stanley Cup defending champions. They are fun to watch, coming from a man that knows squat about the game. I like sports, any sports even a game like hockey played on the ice, if you knew how I hate the cold.
    I tip my hat to the New York Islanders, come into town sweeping both the Duck's and the Kings (both good games).

    Now I will go out on a limb with 106 days to baseballs spring training opening. The Dodgers will be in the World Series, never give up on your dreams!

    Why do I share this with everyone here. My GF is playing her favorite sporting game. As I set waiting to go out to dinner. She's playing "How do I look in this" and "Does this make me look big"? All smart men know, there is no way to answer these, unless you really want to be a looser!

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