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Just got new health insurance RATES!!!

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    jiffy117 started this thread.
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    Just got new health insurance RATES!!!

    we just had company meeting about health insurance rates. They were too afraid to tell us how much it went up, just handed out pricing on our way out of meeting. 35%! increase!! Looked back at when I started 7 years ago, plan prices have gone up 350%. If we are lucky we get a 2% raise, which doesn't even cover inflation let alone health care costs or gas...

    How much are we suppose to take? How much longer can we take it? I make just too much to qualify for any "social programs" and make too little to afford what my parents had (have). Wife is home with toddler because after taxes/gas/child care we would loose money if she got a job. I'm a broken man today. I will have to ramp up my part time job of scrapping and cut even more costs. Well that's my rant for today...

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