Wow! That's a lot of great information.
The truck does have LT tires on the rear (I believe 10 ply).
I keep a maintenance budget, but it's not percentage based. I can basically any major part that's needed. I have around $600-700 set aside for the old girl if needed. I'm switching over a lot more towards refurbishing, so we'll be getting another vehicle of some kind. I don't know what yet, but we'll have that and the 3/4 ton coming in later. The 3/4 ton will also be used for towing on the farm.
This is just what I have for now. Thanks for the loading tips! Since I'll be adding/making sides to the trailer, would you divide it into three "bins", or just make one area and lump the weight as best as I can?
I'll make sure to put the inkjets in the front!
Thanks for all the tips. They're a
huge help!