View Poll Results: Smoker?

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  • Never smoked

    18 33.96%
  • Smoked briefly

    4 7.55%
  • Smoker who quit

    13 24.53%
  • Have tried to quit and failed

    5 9.43%
  • Smoker

    12 22.64%
  • Never smoked but thinking of starting

    1 1.89%
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Smokers... - Page 3

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  1. #41
    ScrapperTrecycling's Avatar
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    I recently went to a doctor who, after saying, "You don't look like a smoker", gave me a 20 minute speech about quitting smoking. Although I should have, I didn't point out the obvious extra hundred pounds he was carrying on his barrel chested frame. His neck looked like a pack of hot dogs.
    I probably did more damage to my health with last month's Mayo slathered turkey sandwiches (on white bread) than I did with smoking. Who knows.
    But I'm with Yunkman. You just don't smoke around kids, ever.

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  3. #42
    hobo finds's Avatar
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  4. #43
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    13 years smoking, 1 week quit
    Me and the wife are done with em, hopefully. figure if we can keep at it we can pay for her college education in 5 years.
    our prices are around $6-$8 a pack but we were both getting near 2 packs a day it got to the point I was contemplating working a weekend job to pay for the habit.
    bought an e cig as a crutch but it was defective so been going cold turkey, customer service is less than stellar lol
    This time it's different mentally I was sick of em and being winded and it was not from outside pressures.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  6. #44
    t00nces2 started this thread.
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    13 years smoking, 1 week quit
    Me and the wife are done with em, hopefully. figure if we can keep at it we can pay for her college education in 5 years.
    our prices are around $6-$8 a pack but we were both getting near 2 packs a day it got to the point I was contemplating working a weekend job to pay for the habit.
    bought an e cig as a crutch but it was defective so been going cold turkey, customer service is less than stellar lol
    This time it's different mentally I was sick of em and being winded and it was not from outside pressures.
    Good luck. Quitting is hard. There was a certain feeling that I would call "the pinch" where I knew I was feeling the withdrawals from smoking. They could last from seconds to minutes and wasn't necessarily the desire for a cigarette, but you knew a cig would make it go away. The pinches gradually gave up over a few months, but I seem to remember a pinch even a year later.

    Know this going in: YOU WILL NEVER STOP WANTING A CIGARETTE. You will either "not smoke," or you will "try to not smoke" (smoke). Good luck.

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  8. #45
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    A pkt of 20's costs NZ$21. That's about US$14 for a standard pack of tailormades.

    The pkt costs $2-3, the rest is NZ government taxes.

    If it isn't bad enough depending on smokes every day, the guvvermint also sees you as a captive ca$h cow that can be milked every day.

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