Just curious. I was a pack and a half a day Malboro Light smoker. This NYE will be 10 years. I paid attention to the price the other day buying wine and Malboro Lights are almost $6 a pack. There is no way I could afford to smoke any more.
Never smoked
Smoked briefly
Smoker who quit
Have tried to quit and failed
Never smoked but thinking of starting
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Just curious. I was a pack and a half a day Malboro Light smoker. This NYE will be 10 years. I paid attention to the price the other day buying wine and Malboro Lights are almost $6 a pack. There is no way I could afford to smoke any more.
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Age 12, I started with cowboy killers... Malboro Reds... Switched to lights about 20 years old. Briefly smoked Merits until the puddles of lung funk sent me back to Mar lights. Quit several times 1 yr, 2 yrs, twice quit 4 yrs. I feel like I am done with them, but I will take a drag every now and then.
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One of the few vices that I have not given up![]()
CHECK OUT MY BUYERS THREAD http://www.scrapmetalforum.com/scrap...nic-scrap.html
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look at the full title of this thread. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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Guess I should have put a question mark... Oh well. I funked up.
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It's slowly killing me and still cant quit.when i'm working I smoke very little. in this chair I smoke like a chimney.when we had the carnival 10 yrs ago cigs were $6 in new york.
we were in west Hampton on 9/11 flew into Boston the day before, 9/11 killed our Carnival business the next week was the Tennessee St fair. cost us over $800,000 to do and we took in just under $180,000.
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
I sucked a few packs of Salems back when I was in high school and couldn't get the hang of the inhale thing so I quit forever.
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I wanted to smoke when I was a kid...Dad said, "OK, once a week after sunday dinner...but you have to smoke a pipe".
I tried like h*ll to enjoy it but after about 10 times, each time turning green and darn near calling Ralf I called it quits. Dad was a smoker but he knew it was a eventual killer so he pulled the perfect psychology on me. Never did smoke after that, no more desire to.
Still an active smoker, still trying to quit (both my wife and I), and yes its outrageously expensive anymore... the other day I was trying to figure out why we're always broke, then I did the math.... 2 cartons a week (roughly) @ $65 per.... came to roughly $500 a month... pretty sure we found our money drain
The good news though is it lit a fire under us again to quit... now if we could just figure out how, without kicking off WW3 in our house :/
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I smoke Pipes and Cigars. Nothing better that breaking **** down with a cheap cigar. Or sitting back relaxing after a good haul with a good one. Just remember there are no back cigars, only better ones.
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tried quitting couple of times and always come back to it. Don't smoke much during the day but once the day is over and a cold drink is coming out of cooler then its game on. Does not help that smokes are cheap here in Virginia and Phillip Morris is right down the road. I paid $3.25 for a pack of Marlboro Special Blends this morning. I know i see guys buying the maximum amount of cartons a day(which is 4) at the gas station all the time and see them get in a car with either New Jersey plates or New York Plates. If i had to pay those kind of prices i know i would quit.
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I love my vices it what makes me feel future good as if I live till im 80 I don't have to start them too late to enjoy them lol
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Never smoked, but started chewing in the Air Force about 14 years ago, stopped 5 years ago after my dentist told me if I didn't stop I'd be in dentures by the time I was 40. A lot of dang dental problems now that I never had before.
Started at 16, quit at 41, received heart stent at 42, still quit at 43 but it aint easy!
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While deployed to Okinawa in the mid 80's I paid $125/carton of generic cigarettes. Is it any wonder I smoked so much for so many years.
As someone who has stopped smoking and using dip tobacco for over 10 years now I have a few suggestions for those who want to stop smoking. Everytime you quit you will get better at stopping and the more likely it will last. The more often you attempt to stop you learn the trigers that get you to want to smoke and learn ways to avoid or deal with these situations.
So I quit smoking several times over my life(started at 17 stopped smoking at 41). Started using dip tobacco at 41 and stopped at about 52. Think about how much money I have pi$$ed away. Not to mention how bad I smelled with that smoke on my clothes, car, house, wife, kids, dog etc.
It makes me sad to think of the wasted money and time I put into smoking. Mike
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
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