View Poll Results: Preferred Shaving Instrument

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  • Cheap Disposables

    6 19.35%
  • Expensive Dispoables

    7 22.58%
  • Safety or Double Edge Razor

    6 19.35%
  • Straight

    1 3.23%
  • Electric

    7 22.58%
  • Shavette

    1 3.23%
  • Let it grow

    8 25.81%
  • Other

    0 0%
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Your preferred shaving instrument - Page 2

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  1. #21
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I got faith you'll put that guy to shame when the time comes for you to claim the beard championship!

    An..he did win such. Saw something on beards earlier today an then this was meant to be.

    Sirscrapalot - Can grow a beard in a a chia pet!

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by afmedic279 View Post
    I was in the same boat. 40 bucks will buy enough blades for a year and some. But me switching from disposables to safety has opened a whole other can of worms. What shaving cream or soap to use, which aftershave, what am I going to shave with today safety or shavette.
    I find that a very clean face helps a lot. I am going to buy a mug and brush as soon as I see one in a store. Long ago I used the mug and brush and it worked great for me. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Quit shaving at Thanksgiving. Will start again when the first robin is seen. Need the warmth in the cold Dakota's winter. The other reason is the fact that there is more hair in the Southern Hemisphere than on top of the head. From spring until fall use a disposable razor and soak it in alcohol after shaving. Still using the same razor from two years ago. Bought a 10 pack and at this rate the package will last until age 70.

    Do you let it stay in the alcohol or just dunk it and let it air dry? Mike

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  6. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Do you let it stay in the alcohol or just dunk it and let it air dry? Mike
    Let it soak about 30 sec. and then air dry. Got the idea from Clark Howard and his money saving tips.

    To cheap to buy shaving cream, when the shave is needed it is done in the shower with soap. Spent an entire professional career clean shaven using disposables and soap. Now I can shave the head the same way and grow the beard for warmth. Amazing how nature works.

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  8. #25
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    I started using a safety razor because I got feed up with the cost. Like other new safety razor users, I use left over shaving cream.(from when I used a Mac 3)

    I have read about the soaps and badger brush but have not made the purchase yet. I nick myself every time I shave ( my current weight loss program)

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  10. #26
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  11. #27
    beardo is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Your preferred shaving instrument

    I was once told that a wet razor was the major contributing factor to them going dull. So when I was in the army I used the cheap disposable ones and soap. I did my best to dry them when I was done and it made a major difference in the life span. I think the soaking the razor in alcohol, not only cleans the razor but pulls the water off and then evaporates quickly while drying. All this talk about shaving almost has me wanting to shave, almost.

    Maybe my back
    "And if your train's on time, You can get to work by nine, and start your slaving job to get your pay. If you ever get annoyed, Look at me I'm self-employed
    I love to work at nothing all day" -BTO

  12. #28
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beardo View Post
    I was once told that a wet razor was the major contributing factor to them going dull. So when I was in the army I used the cheap disposable ones and soap. I did my best to dry them when I was done and it made a major difference in the life span. I think the soaking the razor in alcohol, not only cleans the razor but pulls the water off and then evaporates quickly while drying. All this talk about shaving almost has me wanting to shave, almost.

    Maybe my back
    Beardo, you might be the mountain man of the bunch. A little history lesson: Mountain men use to go to the rendezvous in the spring to sell their furs, get supplies, and a little known fact get cleaned up for the year. They would literally shave off the wool underwear using their knives. They had to have razor sharp knives. Now imagine asking another mountain man to shave off your underwear. Just kidding, they hired Native American females to do this chore. Compliments of Peabody, if you are old enough.

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  14. #29
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    As a scrapman I'd like to tell you I use a die grinder with finishing touches from a plumbers torch but really I have a subscription with Harry's.

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