A cord ( 128 cuft) of stove length hardwood averages about 300.00 - 350.00 USD around here.
Btu for btu it's roughly on par with fuel oil, propane,electric, and pellets. Maybe a bit less.
I burn softwood and process it myself. Figured my costs were about 75 cents per million btu's as opposed to fuel oil which was running at 21.00 USD per million btu's.
I rent a splitter as opposed to owning one. If i apply myself, i can usually bust up 2.5 to 3 cord a day.
With 400 cord to split it might be worth investing in a four way. The limiting factor with a wood splitter is the cycle time on the ram. If you can double your production per stroke it can really step up your game.
ETA: You might check out this firewood processing setup. These guys are running heavy equipment and can really bang the work out. It said on the written intro at youtube that they sell 300 - 400 cord a year. That's about on par with what you're aiming for.