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    logansryche started this thread.
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    I think this goes here... has anyone come across any 360s or ones? I've yet to see anyone on here that's buying or selling.

  2. #2
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    I've got two broken 360's I've been trying to sell on Kijiji for parts. Always get someone lowballing me, begging me to deliver to them and sometimes both

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  4. #3
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Yep I hear that - I've got two that rrod' on me. Trying to swing a pair of ones(seems it's on every child's christmas list this year).

  5. #4
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    Do you have the hard drives? Check ebay on prices for broken xboxes, be sure to check the "sold" box when searching. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  6. #5
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    If they are a parts machine it's worth about 3 dollars in scrap , I was at auction recently , saw a pile of 6 of them . They all had loose or broken internals , you can hear then rattling around when you shake them . Always good to shake your games , controllers or systems prior to purchase . That sound is a dead give away that what your holding only has scrap value . I opened the bis on the pile at $10 only because I know that's a lil under scrap value . They ended up selling for around $40 total for the lot .

    I had a good smile when the guy that won them he said I missed a great deal ( he knows I know video games ) and that he could sell each one for twice what he paid for the lot . REALLY ! These units had no wires controllers or games , they had loose internal components and looked like they were subbed in as a soccer ball in gym class .

    I shut my mouth because I want people like this to waste there money at auctions , it will ensure they don't bid on items they know nothing about . Anywho to your original posting , I'm located in the buyers sellers thread .
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  8. #6
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    The two I have are broken cd drives, I might try and attempt to fix them over the winter.

    I have the hard drive for one, I also have all the cables that go with them. Ebay is a pita for myself, so I've been trying Kijiji more

  9. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    My local check cashing/payday load place has been doing pawn on items, and I notice they are well stocked on all the game systems, seem to be reasonable on their prices.
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  10. #8
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    I have about 30 360s. One of my friends needs a few parts and mine has a bad CD tray drive so after we get those done, I'm wanting to find a buyer. There was a guy on craigslist offering to buy all game consoles, but when I called, he had no prices and wouldn't make an offer so I gave up. I mean if you're offering to buy, at least throw out some numbers on a lot that size.

    I buy lots of things and have learned that being able to shoot an offer out there is a big part of the battle.

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  12. #9
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    I have about 30 360s. One of my friends needs a few parts and mine has a bad CD tray drive so after we get those done, I'm wanting to find a buyer. There was a guy on craigslist offering to buy all game consoles, but when I called, he had no prices and wouldn't make an offer so I gave up. I mean if you're offering to buy, at least throw out some numbers on a lot that size. I buy lots of things and have learned that being able to shoot an offer out there is a big part of the battle.
    I sent you a PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    If they are a parts machine it's worth about 3 dollars in scrap , I was at auction recently , saw a pile of 6 of them . They all had loose or broken internals , you can hear then rattling around when you shake them . Always good to shake your games , controllers or systems prior to purchase . That sound is a dead give away that what your holding only has scrap value . I opened the bis on the pile at $10 only because I know that's a lil under scrap value . They ended up selling for around $40 total for the lot . I had a good smile when the guy that won them he said I missed a great deal ( he knows I know video games ) and that he could sell each one for twice what he paid for the lot . REALLY ! These units had no wires controllers or games , they had loose internal components and looked like they were subbed in as a soccer ball in gym class . I shut my mouth because I want people like this to waste there money at auctions , it will ensure they don't bid on items they know nothing about . Anywho to your original posting , I'm located in the buyers sellers thread .
    That's interesting, I didn't think there was anyone here that bought em.

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  14. #10
    matador's Avatar
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    I have one in. 2 Controllers, 20GB hard drive, and it works fine. I'm trying to find a home for it still. It'll probably go on eBay. Check the working ones for dust- mine was loaded with it!

    I love "those people" at auctions. I enjoy watching them bid away on the junk- they'll hopefully be broke by the time the good stuff comes up!

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  16. #11
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    I have one in. 2 Controllers, 20GB hard drive, and it works fine. I'm trying to find a home for it still. It'll probably go on eBay. Check the working ones for dust- mine was loaded with it!

    I love "those people" at auctions. I enjoy watching them bid away on the junk- they'll hopefully be broke by the time the good stuff comes up!
    It's how you know who the serious bidders are lol. The one I've got that's still working is a Battlefield 2 editioned case that's limping along(flashed E68 when I got it all hooked up after moving but it went away). Gotta love these finnicky things.

  17. #12
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    Internal parts of 360's are coded. the motherboard will only work "online" with the disk tray it comes with. They can be swapped out but if you put the console online the code will send a red flag and the console should be banned offline for life. one of those small type, agreement things.. tampering, hacking ext.
    Externals should be easy enough on e bay with the holiday season approaching, or at least a gamestop if you feel the need to take a small % of value in store credit
    or Mech's awesome advise!
    My advise if someone is buying broken units above scrap...sell sell sell

    my current xbox is smashed and the hard drive is held in with electrical tape, gotta take the disk tray apart once in a while to tighten those screws so it will eject the disk's lol. Been trough a few rrod machines, tear em up and scrap em out is about all they are good for IMO.
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 12-08-2014 at 08:12 AM.
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  19. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    Internal parts of 360's are coded. the motherboard will only work "online" with the disk tray it comes with. They can be swapped out but if you put the console online the code will send a red flag and the console should be banned offline for life.
    Newer consoles seem to be way too online oriented. I used to like consoles because they were fun for single player mode when you had some time to kill and wanted some mindless fun.

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  21. #14
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    sorry not about buyers but pawn shops here call me all the time cause everyone and there mom sold their 360's and games to them when they offered better prices than gamestop. the bad news is the abundance for them as there trying so hard to get rid of them and games. here this past week for xmas shoppers they sold a bundle deal with a 360 with 250g hd 2 controllers and 6 games for $99 all in store used stuff of course but hey it got some sold but still some still have over 40 units sitting in the back

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  23. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    I have about 30 360s. One of my friends needs a few parts and mine has a bad CD tray drive so after we get those done, I'm wanting to find a buyer.
    youtube how to fix disk tray
    If you have the ejection problem it is really easy to fix the disk tray. in most cases it is tightening 1 or 2 screw,.
    not reading disks a little rubbing alcohol on the reader eye with a q-tip works wonders.
    Good Luck

    NH- gaming one generation behind new, is cheap entertainment.
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 12-08-2014 at 09:28 AM.

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  25. #16
    logansryche started this thread.
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    The only way a 360 can get banned is if it's been JTag'd. I've seen some that dont have the drive or a hdd and work off buying from the marketplace and using a jump drive without any issue. The point I was trying to make with this thread was wanting to trade the 360s I have and some scrap for a pair of Ones but it seems alot of people still have 360s so I guess work some deal where everyone's happy.

  26. #17
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    Yeah- I haven't seen an Xbox One- not even for repair.

    I don't hardly do any gaming, but I use a PC when I do. Somebody turned GTA IV in for recycling, so I enjoyed it for a day or two. Gaming isn't my thing, but the consoles will usually sell. You just have to find people in their 20s that live with their parents!

  27. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    The only way a 360 can get banned is if it's been JTag'd. I've seen some that dont have the drive or a hdd and work off buying from the marketplace and using a jump drive without any issue. The point I was trying to make with this thread was wanting to trade the 360s I have and some scrap for a pair of Ones but it seems alot of people still have 360s so I guess work some deal where everyone's happy.
    Yup, you can run most games on external just fine.
    Unless the game demands an xbox HDD...(Like microsoft is gonna allow this to continue $$$) lol
    good luck with your trade.
    I will get my one when it's around 100 trade value

  28. #19
    logansryche started this thread.
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    If I can get some here on the forum that have 360s(no matter the condition) to go in on a profit split, we'll both come out positive. I'm walking a fine line with this line of thinking I think... I'd put it in the buyer/seller section but no money right now.

  29. #20
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    I found one and gave it to a gamer relative, so I haven't even opened one yet to see what's in it.

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