Okay, since I'm a girl (and straight) I can only answer the Mom part. Hope that's okay.
She's my hero! Single mom who worked herself nearly to death to give her two children a good life. When she became disabled, I moved back home, bought her house from her and decided to let her stay.

I could spend days bragging up this comical, talented character. MAN, can that woman sing! Anyway, far back as I can remember, she's had this twitchy hand thing. Like her hands have to keep working even if she's not. She could never just hold my hand when I was little. She'd fling me off like a booger without even knowing she'd done it. Always an adventure crossing the street with her as a child. Felt like Frogger.
So when I started scrapping and found myself with more copper motors than time, I decided to try and harness her nervous energy. I gave her a pickle bucket filled with every copper motor one can imagine, accompanied by, "Can you help me?"
Two days later, she hands me one of her cooking kettles filled with beautiful copper and says, "Do you have anymore?"
I have created a 72 year old scrap MONSTER! God I love my Twitchy!