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  1. #1
    Yunkman is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    What does your mom / wife / girlfriend do ?

    My wife has many talents besides playing bass guitar professionally in a variety band and when she needs to unwind, she makes quilts and quilt tops. She can sew/fix about anything on her "too expensive" sewing machine. She can do most all the farm / ranch work stuff too but would rather leave the cooking to someone else. Good housekeeper though when she's not messing with her horse.
    She made this queen size quilt top and she did it in four days. This is a brag thread incase you missed it. haha

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  3. #2
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    I don't know any quilt makers, but I do know of a special woman who is willing to help with my job as much as possible!

    It's nice to have someone there alongside you.

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  5. #3
    logansryche's Avatar
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    That's cool that someone made a thread like this. My wife helps with the finances(keeps everything afloat) and is a cancer survivor. Last February she slipped carrying in brownies her aunt made into the house and shattered her patella(knee cap) so she's on SSI now. Dr's botched it though because she has feeling on one side of the knee but not the other.


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  7. #4
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    My Wife is awesome. We just celebrated our 26th anniversary. She's never complained about my scrapping, even when I brought home 10 truck loads of computers and phone systems last summer and piled it in the driveway. She helps me now breaking everything down and has even bought herself a small cordless drill.

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  9. #5
    Yunkman is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    That's good you guys appreciate your wives. Logan, my wife got bucked off a horse and ruined her ACL in one knee and also has no feeling in that. Doctors said she was too old to have it repaired and that she wouldn't need it so they didn't operate. Didn't slow her down though. She ran a chainsaw and helped me log cedar trees for 20 years following the accident. Oh, my two daughters also ran chainsaws with the logging efforts. Youngest daughter must have cut down 1000 trees by herself one summer while I ran the skidsteer.

    Glad you mentioned the 26 years, jimicrk, and congratulations. Come May it will be 47 years for us. God said it wasn't good for "man to be alone".....boy he got THAT RIGHT !!!!

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  11. #6
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    That's good you guys appreciate your wives. Logan, my wife got bucked off a horse and ruined her ACL in one knee and also has no feeling in that. Doctors said she was too old to have it repaired and that she wouldn't need it so they didn't operate. Didn't slow her down though. She ran a chainsaw and helped me log cedar trees for 20 years following the accident. Oh, my two daughters also ran chainsaws with the logging efforts. Youngest daughter must have cut down 1000 trees by herself one summer while I ran the skidsteer.

    Glad you mentioned the 26 years, jimicrk, and congratulations. Come May it will be 47 years for us. God said it wasn't good for "man to be alone".....boy he got THAT RIGHT !!!!
    47 years?!?!
    My goodness, yall both deserve a gold medal.

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  13. #7
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    That's good you guys appreciate your wives. Logan, my wife got bucked off a horse and ruined her ACL in one knee and also has no feeling in that. Doctors said she was too old to have it repaired and that she wouldn't need it so they didn't operate. Didn't slow her down though. She ran a chainsaw and helped me log cedar trees for 20 years following the accident. Oh, my two daughters also ran chainsaws with the logging efforts. Youngest daughter must have cut down 1000 trees by herself one summer while I ran the skidsteer.
    That's cool, my wife handles the finances because she's good with numbers. Heavy lifting is left to me and her brother lol.

  14. #8
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    My mom puts up with my dad. My wife does what ever i tell her too (que up the man song). My girldfriend well shes my wife.

    In all seriousness my wife works as athletic secretary at a local high school. Then she keeps me and house in order as well. I couldnt find a **** thing without her.

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  16. #9
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Oh man I haven't heard that in a long time. I remember hearing that on Bob and Tom when they were on the air here in Nashville. Just as funny now as it was then.

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  18. #10
    bcrepurposing's Avatar
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    What does your mom / wife / girlfriend do ?

    my domestic partner is my tear down, lifting and tear down partner. she is better to have then 2-3 extra workers most times. shes also good pr as it makes people think when they see what she can do getting more items or even comforting nervous single women that wouldnt have a single scruffy guy make a pickup.

    truth be told the fact shes a woman has gotten me flack and more than a little sexism from "big burly men". more than a few of whom ended up feeling like sissys when she out lifted them and worked them into the ground. she hates being told she cant do something because shes a woman.

    my woman may not be a twig or ideal beauty to most but she dont complain about grease under her nails and is elbow deep when i am. we work togeather well and do what many others cant without a crew.

    after she helped me lift by hand a 680 pound bakelite covered cast iron stove into my lifted ford truck bed i knew i had a keeper. this pushed us both to limits and it was her that reached deep and gave the extra shove so we both could get under and shove it home. we only use 3 pipes to lean it on to get it to slide in back. most men i knew couldnt do what she did and would have required at least a third guy or equipment.

    she at first complained until she saw the green and realized sometime i make more from scrap than working a regular job. when i am between jobs and need cash i fall back on what i know to feed us and pay the bills. ever since the first time i payed the rent and fed us when things got tight she never complained again.

    she has since been learning about items and helping me with trying to get business going. so she is my partner in all aspects.
    "Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle..." - BC Repurposing Motto

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  20. #11
    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Mine is a part-time RN and counting years towards retirement. If she makes it until she's 62 and at the same place, she'll have 37 years in there. Of course, the CinC of that big place won't care but at least it would be accomplishment in our minds. We used to have a cop for a neighbor in our old neighborhood. I mentioned when she would be 60 that she would 35 years of nursing work. He looked at me and assumed that would be retirement. I said, its doesn't work in most of the private sector work with just certain numbers of years of service, its more based on if a person can afford to retire (SS, retirement investments, etc.). He just looked stunned because he was planning (and the Great Recession might have screwed things up a bit) to be done with the police with 50/25 (50 years old, 25 years of service). Then he planned to cut golf course grass...

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  22. #12
    ScrapperTrecycling's Avatar
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    Okay, since I'm a girl (and straight) I can only answer the Mom part. Hope that's okay.
    She's my hero! Single mom who worked herself nearly to death to give her two children a good life. When she became disabled, I moved back home, bought her house from her and decided to let her stay.
    I could spend days bragging up this comical, talented character. MAN, can that woman sing! Anyway, far back as I can remember, she's had this twitchy hand thing. Like her hands have to keep working even if she's not. She could never just hold my hand when I was little. She'd fling me off like a booger without even knowing she'd done it. Always an adventure crossing the street with her as a child. Felt like Frogger.
    So when I started scrapping and found myself with more copper motors than time, I decided to try and harness her nervous energy. I gave her a pickle bucket filled with every copper motor one can imagine, accompanied by, "Can you help me?"
    Two days later, she hands me one of her cooking kettles filled with beautiful copper and says, "Do you have anymore?"
    I have created a 72 year old scrap MONSTER! God I love my Twitchy!

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  24. #13
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    My wife of 31 years is finishing up her career as an elementary teacher 450 miles from the ranch. She has one year left to make full retirement. Hopefully she will join my dream.

    A few things that have been done to encourage this decision:

    Last year I moved all the horses from the cabin in Wyoming to the ranch in South Dakota. Then I bought her a new saddle for Christmas and left it at the cabin in Wyoming and the horses are in South Dakota.

    Bought her a clay pigeon thrower, clay targets, and a case of shot gun shells for Christmas. Those are in Wyoming and her shotgun is in South Dakota.

    Bought her a new fly tying kit for her birthday, shipped to the Cabin. Her fly rod, vest, and waders are at the ranch.

    Her back pack, sleeping bag, hunting clothes, fishing gear, snow shoes, etc. are all at the ranch.

    So you might think I kidnapped her property. I prefer to think I am holding her belongings hostage so she will join my love for scraping.

    Just kidding. Everything posted above is true, but we already decided our retirement plans. We will continue to raise horses, dogs, hunt, fish, travel, etc. The question to be decided is if scraping will be part of the equation. You know my vote, but she holds veto power.

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  26. #14
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    My wife works with me doing many of the small time consuming tasks. She has always worked and participated in all the side work/businesses we got into. There was metal detecting in Hawaii(make good profit at it there), Flea Market selling used stuff, Repairing cars at dealerships(paint & interior repair), and now Scrapping.

    I do want to say a bit more about her, she is the only combat veteran living in our house(I'm a retired Marine), She was born in Vietnam and left with her three boys when the house down the street was damaged by VC mortars.

    She had been abandoned as a baby and raised by a family as their servant. With a limited education, about the 3rd grade, she left the family at the age of 16. Spend some time in a Buddhist monastery, and eventually started a couple of businesses on an Army base in Vietnam. Together we had six children and I was deployed repeatedly during my 20 years in the service so she had to do more than many others.

    I am thankful and proud of her. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  28. #15
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    Well this is an interesting thread so I hope no one minds my resurrecting it.

    My Mother is a retired VP from the best doughnut company that exists. (KK)

    My Wife is a student working on her doctorate in Certified Chemistry so she can be a professor. She wants to teach at NC State or Wake Forest. I have a degree in chemical engineering (I co-own a construction company and a scrap yard, and I own a few inherited businesses so I don't work in the field) so I understand what she's talking about when she speaks school to me.

  29. #16
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    My Chosen One now works for the company. She is the only Burly Girl.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
    Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

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