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Whats with the tabs? Aren't they just aluminum? ie about 50 cents per lb?
so a monster tab weighs 0.313 grams, or 1450 tabs/lb.
What are the units on your regular tab weight of 0.0104?
Not all are aluminum as I've stated, I have one that's steel and I buy that particular food product to get that tab. My questioning was since the monster tabs, bud tabs, and redbull tabs have more aluminum on them, I wanted to know what the difference is. When it comes to some things, it's all about the numbers.
Ok, so I weighed all 83 monster can tabs and they come out at 3oz non-tare. If I devide 3oz by 83, is that my weight per tab? If so, cool - that's one down. That leaves the bud, redbull, and steel tabs to find weights for. TO answer your question yes, a normal can tab weighs 0.0104oz.