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American Sniper

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    bigburtchino started this thread.
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    American Sniper

    Just wanted to know your thoughts. I have not seen the movie yet, but plan to do so. Have you seen it? What did you think about the movie? What are your thoughts on the murder trial that is taking place right now in Texas? My GF and I got into a heated argument on this trial and PTSD. I personally think the veteran who has killed two other veterans, both men that were killed, were both combat veterans and were trying to help other veterans. Including the vet that killed them. My GF thinks he should be treated for PTSD and is not responsible, nor should he be held accountable for the two men he killed. I think he is a murdering coward period and you can pretty much guess what I think his fate should be.

    I know there are many veterans with health and mental health issues. I served with a pilot, that spent six years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. He suffered and was never the same man again, but he never stopped trying to get healthy and right. PTSD and CFS are for real, with many of our heroes, both men and women suffer from these and other health concerns. I just think this a different case all together, bothers me greatly that a vet, killed two great men. Would like to know what SMF members think, both vets and non-vets thoughts, as we are all entitled to our opinions and those opinions respected.

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