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Just wanted to know your thoughts. I have not seen the movie yet, but plan to do so. Have you seen it? What did you think about the movie? What are your thoughts on the murder trial that is taking place right now in Texas? My GF and I got into a heated argument on this trial and PTSD. I personally think the veteran who has killed two other veterans, both men that were killed, were both combat veterans and were trying to help other veterans. Including the vet that killed them. My GF thinks he should be treated for PTSD and is not responsible, nor should he be held accountable for the two men he killed. I think he is a murdering coward period and you can pretty much guess what I think his fate should be.
You know what they say about opinions .......
(Please take this with a grain of salt.)
There are some conversations you shouldn't try to have with your woman. They only lead to mutual frustration. There are parts of a woman's thought process that are unique to the way in which a woman looks at the world. The same is true of men. Either way, it's so alien to the opposite gender's thought process that it's almost incomprehensible.
Just love her unconditionally and accept her for the person that she is. Don't try to push it. If she was on the same page she would intuitively understand the idea that you were trying to get across.
As for the vet that went off the deep end ? I don't think i'd call him a coward ... maybe just a mentally defective warrior ? You've got to be able to switch in and out of combat mode at will. If you get back to ordinary life in the states & can't shift gears then you've got problems.
Would you say that the root of PTSD is fear ?
IMHO .... a well trained warrior becomes completely selfless. There's no fear, no compassion,no pity, no joy, no nothing at all. It's just icy cold hard logic and reasoned thinking. Emotions like fear don't enter into his mind when he's in survival mode.
Fear isn't a major factor in ordinary life because he's already mastered it.
Therefore ... he must be defective in some way ?
Question is : What to do about it once he's gone off the reservation ..... he's a loose cannon.