So on a recent client I was tapped to paint the interior of a house.. I did not quote out the doors because they were clean, the clients had no children to kick holes in them, scribble on them etc. They really only needed a nice bucket of hot soapy water and they would have shined up nice.. So towards the end of my gig they send me a text and say "Do you want to make some more $ painting all of the doors?" I said "Sure, I'll go over tonight and count the doors and get you a quote" Before I got over there that night she says "If you want my husband said instead of cash you can have the boat and trailer by the garage"
I politely said "Well if I bring home a boat my wife would kill me" But I started making calls. My father-in-law all but busted through the phone telling me I'd be able to sell the boat for far more than what I'd probably quote out to do the work. Long story short I took the boat. I not only got the boat and trailer but also: Fish Finder, 2 trolling motors, two life jackets, pair of oars, and a dead battery which was promptly sent to the core buyer.
I went to the BMV today and registered everything in my name so I'll be able to flip the boat once spring finally decides to arrive! Thought I'd share an oddity since
scrap prices right now have gotten all of us a bit down. Think spring.. think fishing.. think SUN!