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  1. #1
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Strange, funny, an what the heck were they thinking laws..

    As the title says...Strange, Funny, and laws that make you wonder what the hell they were smoking when they wrote them. From the US to other Countries of the world.

    All taken from the following site unless stated otherwise: 100 Weird Laws From Around the World | It Thing!

    1. In Oklahoma, you can be arrested for making ugly faces at a dog

    2. In Salt Lake County, Utah, it’s illegal to walk down the street carrying a violin in a paper bag.

    3. In San Francisco, it’s illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner.

    4. In Devon, Texas, it is against the law to make furniture while you are nude.

    5. In Bozeman, Montana, a law prohibits all sexual activity from the front yard of a home after sundown.

    6. In California it is illegal for a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour. (that would be one clever trick)

    7. In Florida men seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown can be fined.

    8. In South Carolina it is legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays.

    9. In Tennessee, you are breaking the law if you drive while sleeping.

    10. In New York, the penalty for jumping off a building is: Death.

    11. In Danville, Pennsylvania, all fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.

    12. In Connersville, Wisconsin, during sexual intercourse, it is against the law for a man to fire his gun whilst the woman in having an orgasm.

    13. In Pennsylvania, it’s against the law to tie a dollar bill on a string on the ground and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up.

    14. In New York City, it’s illegal for a restaurant to call a sandwich a “corned beef sandwich” if it’s made with white bread and mayonnaise.

    15. In San Francisco, California it is unlawful to use used underwear to wipe off cars in a car wash.

    16. In France, it is against the law to sell an “E.T” doll. They have a law forbidding the sale of dolls that do not have human faces.

    17. In Louisiana, biting someone with your natural teeth is considered “simple assault,” but biting someone with your dentures is “aggravated assault.”

    18. In the state of Washington, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under any circumstances. (Including the wedding night.)

    19. In Switzerland, it is illegal for a man to relieve himself while standing up after 10pm.

    20. In Florida, it is illegal to fart in a public place after 6 P.M. on Thursdays.

    21. In Massachusetts, it is illegal to go to bed without first having a bath. (However, another law prohibits bathing on Sunday)

    22. In Jidda, Saudi Arabia, women were banned from using hotel swimming pools in 1979.

    23. In Samoa, it’s a crime to forget your own wife’s birthday.

    24. In Alabama, prison guards are forbidden from referring to their spouses as “the old ball-n-chain.”

    25. In London, England it is illegal for a City cab to carry rabid dogs or corpses.

    26. In England, it is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.

    27. In England, it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the Queen upside down.

    28. In Los Angeles, CA it’s illegal for a waiter to tell a customer “I’m really an actor.”

    29. In Indiana, it’s against the law to dress ‘Barbie’ in ‘Ken’s’ clothes.

    30. In Illinois, giving a lighted cigar to a pet is illegal.

    31. In Texas, if you are going to commit a crime, you legally have to give 24 hours notice to the police. - (Ha ha! Texas your some funny folks.)

    32. In Florida having sexual intercourse with a porcupine is illegal. (ouch… wtf)

    Happy Sunday!

    An if your in South Carolina, despite what the law says, I wouldn't go trying #8.

    Sirscrapalot - It really makes you wonder what happened to warrant these laws.

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  3. #2
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    Nothing compared to laws passed in the U.S. Congress, at least many of these are funny. Mike

    My personal favorite one is number #5, it seems to allow for day time front yard fun.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
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    I have to agree with #14 . Its not a corned beef sandwich unless is on rye.

    That's some crazy laws!
    Crazier people that such laws were made for. Haha

  6. #4
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    18. In the state of Washington, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under any circumstances. (Including the wedding night.)

    ?WTF! Everyone must be a test tube baby then

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  8. #5
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    A small town near me had a town ordinance on the books that stated that you could drive a car anywhere on the street as long as you had a person with a red lantern running ahead of you.

    That was from the days of horses when the automobile started to become popular.

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  10. #6
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    So much for my paper bag fantasy with a smoking porcupine while playing the violin on my front yard.
    Google first ask questions later!

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  12. #7
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    I'm just glad I don't live in Connersville (#12), as I would be cited at least once a week (if I get lucky).

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  14. #8
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    lol@ at everyone who posted.

    You guys are funny.

    More to come. Eventually.

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  16. #9
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    The only virgins in Washington are ugly third graders that can out run their brother.

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  18. #10
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Coming from a guy in Montana..a state with plenty of sheep jokes.

    Your Serve Washington State. Montana has fired shots! Shots fired! SHOTS FIRED!

    Sirscrapalot - Loling' an waiting for Washington, Kentucky an West Va lobby to show up to the battle.

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  20. #11
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    Dang it! I guess I'll have to cancel my weekend rendezvous to Florida. Thanks a lot Sir!

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  22. #12
    ScrapperTrecycling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Coming from a guy in Montana..a state with plenty of sheep jokes.

    Your Serve Washington State. Montana has fired shots! Shots fired! SHOTS FIRED!

    Sirscrapalot - Loling' an waiting for Washington, Kentucky an West Va lobby to show up to the battle.
    Coming from a girl that grew up in Washington. A girl that runs fast.

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  24. #13
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    In Pennsylvania, can I tie a $5 bill to a string?

    If you'll excuse me, I'm calling the police department now to alert them that I'll probably jaywalk in front of my office tomorrow. I can't say for sure, but I have to give 24 hours notice.

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  26. #14
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    I'm back.

    With More.

    Montana your in the hot seat thanks to ScrappahT ( i know it's spelt scrapper, but..Scrappah sounds much better in my head!)

    1. One may not pretend to abuse an animal in the presence of a minor. The following is the actual law: 45-5-627. Ritual abuse of minor -- exceptions -- penalty. (1) A person commits the offense of ritual abuse of a minor if the person purposely or knowingly and as part of any ceremony, rite, or ritual or of any training or practice for any ceremony, rite, or ritual:

    (b) actually or by simulation tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices an animal or person in the presence of the minor;

    2. It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone.

    3. It is illegal for a man and a woman to have sex in any other position other than missionary style.

    4. Seven or more indians are considered a raiding or war party and it is legal to shoot them.

    5. It is illegal to annoy passersby on sidewalks with a revolving water sprinkler. ( Helena Law, not state wide.) Copy of Law to follow: 5-9-2: Lawn Sprinklers

    No person shall place any revolving fountain, hose or lawn sprinkler so that the water from the same shall be thrown upon any street or sidewalk to the annoyance of passersby, and no person shall cause water to flow over or upon any street or sidewalk. (1979 Code)

    Next up...West Virginia!

    It is legal for a male to have sex with an animal as long as it does not exceed 40 lbs. - ( An now we know where the jokes come from...)

    A person may not hold public office if he or she has ever participated in a duel.

    Now for NC...oh they are a funny bunch those NC lawmakers...

    It is a felony to steal more than $1000 of grease

    The mere possession of a lottery ticket is illegal in North Carolina and may result in a $2,000 fine. ( Repealed, but was true for a very long time.)

    It is illegal to have sex in a churchyard.

    Oral sex is considered a crime against nature.

    Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields.

    Persons in possession of illegal substances must pay taxes on them.

    An let's end with...Florida

    It is illegal for a doctor to ask a patient whether they own a gun. - Repealed. Link to full text of Law Dumb Laws, Stupid Laws: We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!

    It is illegal to sell your children.

    It is considered an offense to shower naked.

    You may not kiss your wife’s breasts.

    Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging.

    Sirscrapalot - You lawmakers..funny guys you.

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  28. #15
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    I know a few years ago it was still illegal to shoot an Indian while riding in a trolly car.
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  30. #16
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    6. In California it is illegal for a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour. (that would be one clever trick)

    Maybe they were expecting this .
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  32. #17
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    I have nothing against Montana. but, I found some jokes.
    I picked through and grabbed some of the good ones.

    Q: How can you tell if someone in Montana is married?
    A: The tobacco spit stains are on both sides of his pickup truck

    Q: Why do Montana State grads keep their diplomas on their dashboards?
    A: So they can park in handicap spaces

    Q: What happens when blondes move from Idaho to Montana?
    A: Both states become smarter!

    Q: What does a girl from Montana do if she's not in bed by 10pm?
    A: Go Home

    Q: What is the definition of safe sex down in Montana?
    A: Placing signs on the animals that kick.

    Q: What did the Montana female say after sex?
    A: Get off me Dad, you're crushing my smokes!

    Q: Why don't girls play hide and seek in Montana?
    A: No one would look for them.

    Q: Why do all the trees in Idaho lean east?
    A: Montana Sucks

    source: Montana Jokes - State Jokes

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  34. #18
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    As the title says...Strange, Funny, and laws that make you wonder what the hell they were smoking when they wrote them. From the US to other Countries of the world.

    All taken from the following site unless stated otherwise: 100 Weird Laws From Around the World | It Thing!

    1. In Oklahoma, you can be arrested for making ugly faces at a dog

    2. In Salt Lake County, Utah, it’s illegal to walk down the street carrying a violin in a paper bag.

    3. In San Francisco, it’s illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner.

    4. In Devon, Texas, it is against the law to make furniture while you are nude.

    5. In Bozeman, Montana, a law prohibits all sexual activity from the front yard of a home after sundown.

    6. In California it is illegal for a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour. (that would be one clever trick)

    7. In Florida men seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown can be fined.

    8. In South Carolina it is legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays.

    9. In Tennessee, you are breaking the law if you drive while sleeping.

    10. In New York, the penalty for jumping off a building is: Death.

    11. In Danville, Pennsylvania, all fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.

    12. In Connersville, Wisconsin, during sexual intercourse, it is against the law for a man to fire his gun whilst the woman in having an orgasm.

    13. In Pennsylvania, it’s against the law to tie a dollar bill on a string on the ground and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up.

    14. In New York City, it’s illegal for a restaurant to call a sandwich a “corned beef sandwich” if it’s made with white bread and mayonnaise.

    15. In San Francisco, California it is unlawful to use used underwear to wipe off cars in a car wash.

    16. In France, it is against the law to sell an “E.T” doll. They have a law forbidding the sale of dolls that do not have human faces.

    17. In Louisiana, biting someone with your natural teeth is considered “simple assault,” but biting someone with your dentures is “aggravated assault.”

    18. In the state of Washington, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under any circumstances. (Including the wedding night.)

    19. In Switzerland, it is illegal for a man to relieve himself while standing up after 10pm.

    20. In Florida, it is illegal to fart in a public place after 6 P.M. on Thursdays.

    21. In Massachusetts, it is illegal to go to bed without first having a bath. (However, another law prohibits bathing on Sunday)

    22. In Jidda, Saudi Arabia, women were banned from using hotel swimming pools in 1979.

    23. In Samoa, it’s a crime to forget your own wife’s birthday.

    24. In Alabama, prison guards are forbidden from referring to their spouses as “the old ball-n-chain.”

    25. In London, England it is illegal for a City cab to carry rabid dogs or corpses.

    26. In England, it is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.

    27. In England, it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the Queen upside down.

    28. In Los Angeles, CA it’s illegal for a waiter to tell a customer “I’m really an actor.”

    29. In Indiana, it’s against the law to dress ‘Barbie’ in ‘Ken’s’ clothes.

    30. In Illinois, giving a lighted cigar to a pet is illegal.

    31. In Texas, if you are going to commit a crime, you legally have to give 24 hours notice to the police. - (Ha ha! Texas your some funny folks.)

    32. In Florida having sexual intercourse with a porcupine is illegal. (ouch… wtf)

    Happy Sunday!

    An if your in South Carolina, despite what the law says, I wouldn't go trying #8.

    Sirscrapalot - It really makes you wonder what happened to warrant these laws.

    Sirscrapalot - Just because it is against the law, IMHO as long as you don't get caught, you are not guilty. Good luck at not getting caught in any of these especially # 32. If you get caught you will be known as SirPoker or worse.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 03-09-2015 at 09:31 AM.

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  36. #19
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    First an apology for the bad picture. It was suppose to show the speed limit changing from 30 MPH to 40 MPH in less than 40 ft. The second speed limit sign does not show up in the picture. In less than 100 yrds. the speed limit increases 35 using four signs. Since I was in high school, I have not owned a vehicle that could increase speed at that rate. Government funding at it's best. It is like a dead end sign on an island, sorry SS.

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  38. #20
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Sorry for? LOL. Dead end sign on a island...we have them! Because sitting in front of the sound or ocean is a surprise to some people that..roads end. Ha ha!

    I got asked once where the ocean was. At a store off what we call the beach road. Being as you's the only road that runs that close to the ocean.

    My favorite was.."are there sandbars?" An they weren't asking about a beach side bar. First..your on a sandbar. Second..their called dunes, an yes we have them. Just like every beach every where.

    I've included a photo (not mine) to help educate everyone on what a sand dune is.

    The below is from Jockey Ridge State Park, here on the sandbar. They do hang gliding there an many other things. Check them out an read up on them. For the flight fans, I believe the Wright Brothers actually tested some of their stuff there.

    That is not someone messing with the photo the dunes are even bigger in real life, what your seeing is the approach to the dunes. Which you can then walk up, which is quite the workout. lol.

    Largest sand dune on the east coast also if I recall properly. Also known for the Sand Castle building contests they have in the summer, kite flying( some really cool ones, check out kittyhawkkites, they should have photos, an tons of other things.

    Lovely place to visit. One of my favorite spots actually.

    Carry on with the derailment of my thread. I'll just blame Patriot.

    Sirscrapalot - ND - It is legal to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered wagon.

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