I have a great supply of smaller copper wire bearing items here in the yard after all the many years of collecting and hoarding things.
I had thought of maybe getting a fancy wire stripping machine when I had all the wire ready for stripping.
But as I have put more thought into my copper wire plan. It seems that it might be better for me to trade or sell the wire to someone that would handle that part themselves.
I bring this up as, Sure when I had the copper wire ready I could have a scrap yard near me bring out a roll off dumpster and they would pay a certain price per pound after they had the material.
The reason that I'm posting this, is that I would like to know, is if there is a market for un-stripped smaller wire that pays the same or better in value then having the scrap yard bring a roll off?
What I'm asking is if there is a smaller "middle man" market that pays as good or better then a local scrap yard bringing me out a roll off.
I'm NOT interested in doing biz with any large companies beyond my local scrap yards where I can personally visit with the managers.
I would much rather do smaller deals for wire with "smaller people" then mess with the BIG shots that are so busy that they don't even have the TIME to sit, visit and have a cold beer or 2, or soda or what ever floats a persons boat.
Most of the TIME I would rather horse trade and do biz with mellow laid back folks that are not in such a rush to get filthy rich and then some,
I do enjoy trading as I mostly view money as just something you spend on entertainment, toys and paying monthly bills.
So the BIG question is
Just pile it up and have a local scrap yard make me a deal
or deal with smaller operations where you can barter and trade or use money options.
I re-thought the idea of my getting a
wire stripper as I wouldn't have the TIME to strip the wire as I would be busy with other hobbies I have that pay out and such.
And then there is the cost of the machine that is not cheap for one that can do the smaller wire quickly.
I prefer doing BIZ with the little guy as long as they are BIG enough to pay their way and do what they say.